γετ (yet) group
I don't even remember the context of !yet
Tuesday, 03-May-16 05:02:24 UTC from web -
"I don't have anything to hide" !Yet. Until someone, somewhere, decides to take issue with something you've always done, or someone you've long known...
Tuesday, 11-Feb-14 21:32:52 UTC from web -
Monday, 23-Dec-13 18:16:38 UTC from web
@randomwonderbolt did you make to use consummate Vs?
@randomwonderbolt wow, crushing the dreams of an 8 year old. That is worthy of a nickname. Hence forth you shall be known as DK dream killer
Friday, 05-Jul-13 06:29:34 UTC from web
So I was just messing around on Audacity and I made a short song about Nicolas Cage. maybe I'll polish it slightly and show you guys tomorrow.
Tuesday, 11-Dec-12 12:43:33 UTC from web-
@fortecadenza @abigpony I have a picture actually. http://ur1.ca/bz9jr
@fortecadenza doesn't everyone have a picture of Nicolas Cage somewhere in their room/house?
@gladosenchilada Nothing in the universe can stop them... EXCEPT COMMON SENSE!
Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 18:18:30 UTC from web-
@gladosenchilada And for some reason all our cats are spending the days in the graveyards!
@anarchycarcino I'm picturing all of this, medieval fantasy movie style, and I can't stop laughing.
@gladosenchilada That is the point. I'm reading it all Grindhouse style.
A gay kiss in Adventure Time? Were the nutjobs boycotting it already, or are they planning to start now, or what?
Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 17:54:20 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
RDN's Lucifer likes this. -
@slenderscribus Finally! We release !Yet
@slenderscribus Fun fact: The Looney Tunes Show can be interpreted as Bugs and Daffy living together as a couple. One episode even features them going on a "Mr. and Mrs." style show ostensibly about best friends, but the other two contestants are the gay British gophers, Mac and Tosh.
Now all I need is something that isn't "ten seconds flat".
Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:29:59 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Find my user and then we'll talk.
@anarchycarcino @praxis???
@redenchilada That one.
Hey guys, it has been a while.
Monday, 03-Sep-12 23:01:57 UTC from web-
@nlghtmaremoon Get that thing away form me.
@anarchycarcino Its real easy... you compress gas... wait for it to cool... release gas further cooling it... you re-compress gas and allow to cool further, and repeat.... #TotallyNotABomb
@nlghtmaremoon Leave me out of it.
!blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!
Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web-
@mushi 0.0
@redenchilada Because you love us really.
@purplephish20 yeah
okay. What sites do peeps recommend I use to dump photos? Hint: I will NOT use Facebook.
Monday, 30-Jul-12 03:12:55 UTC from web-
Yeah it does@lennshy
@anarchycarcino I need the person next to me while I'm forging it to make everything fit. Like with wedding dresses.
@nerthos I know.
!yet has lost it's roots as an evil religion and impending doom of RDN. I must fix this.
Tuesday, 10-Jul-12 01:35:12 UTC from web -
Sunday, 08-Jul-12 22:25:02 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark Oh boy, I love the Arity sub reddit. About as much as the Ainbowdash one!
@comradeconventrix @ceruleanspark Is it time for a rarity dump? http://ur1.ca/9qxdj
Man... It's really dark today, yet stupidly warm... And now there's thunder outside but I can't see rain !yet , what is this sorcery?
Thursday, 28-Jun-12 10:05:52 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Lovely weather!
@nerthos Except for the warm part, of course.
So the big skyrim DLC came out today.... I dont even own skyrim..... !Yet
Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 14:13:01 UTC from web -
Okay, Mustdroid again. StatusNet was horrible.
@thatonepony It's more that I'm not so curious as to actually want to spend money on feeding my curiosity, rather than not wanting to be seen doing so.
Sunday, 24-Jun-12 02:50:18 UTC from web -
I am here and I am awake
Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 12:24:50 UTC from web -
anyone els want to play some diablo 3? http://ur1.ca/99q0e
Saturday, 19-May-12 13:17:34 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 if my computer could ran that
@mushi is it hard to run?
@cajunbrony23 i dont know, but my computer is as good as a regular computer form 4~5 years ago and it cant run anything
Monday, 07-May-12 20:44:47 UTC from web
- Milo likes this.
@captainmilo It's all good, I've been off for my fair share of time as well
@cupcakinator Say, do you have a steam? I mostly spend my time there.
@captainmilo heck yeah I do, the name's armordcrab
Thursday, 10-May-12 20:06:03 UTC from web-
@captainmilo Wow. thought it would be dead.
@captainmilo Yes yes yes!
Milo likes this.
@Clarity who's going to make me deal with it?
Monday, 16-Apr-12 04:19:02 UTC from StatusNet Android -
Jeez cat get outta my TV. http://ur1.ca/7ks5s
Who's your favorite pony ?
Friday, 16-Dec-11 16:04:14 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@carcino I know I am, you didn't need to tell me
@doodledream Sorry madame, I am losing my train of thought, I best be going. Later days.
@carcino what a gentleman.
@thatonepony 1. Don't have it !yet 2. You are never going to see it. Not from me at least.
Thursday, 15-Dec-11 04:52:26 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@ceruleanspark Just send one of us a DM or e-mail or whatever.
@colfax That's fine. I am 90% certain you do not care, but deleting that account will have retroactively broken "In context" for every single thread he has ever posted in. Until statusnet comes up with a better way to handle post deletion, it might be worth thinking twice.
@thatonepony Imagine what'll happen if I get deleted. Might as well nuke the DB and start over.
@thatonepony I prefer beef
Thursday, 15-Dec-11 04:20:58 UTC from web-
@macpony55 right ok
@mylilbrony you in?
@thatonepony no. just no.
My sleep-deprived mind couldn't find a razor, so it took my pocketknife and started sawing it off. Then decide to comb my head hair with that knife, which cut out some hair. Should I sleep !yet? #fml.
@derpsissadbecauseprincesstwilightdoesnotwanttomarryhim awwwwwwwww ah. I fogot to day what it was
Hmm... How do I do this... Howdy?
Saturday, 03-Dec-11 03:00:56 UTC from web-
@carcino It's n!yet.
@derpsissadbecauseprincesstwilightdoesnotwanttomarryhim That is so wrong I can't even.
I haven't finished yet. Please do not spoil the #plot
@ponydude2143 haven't seen anything !yet
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 22:32:24 UTC from web-
@eaglehooves Nice shrug, and nice avatar.
@miloth I finally learned how to mess with gimp. There's been enough occasions on here that have justified a shrug, so I figured 'why not?'
@eaglehooves ah.