I'm a dude. Call me what you like, as long as it isn't insulting. I'm here sometimes.
[XboxLive:] Im a crazy dude
[Skype:] Commodore_Crazy
[Steam:] http://steamcommunity.com/id/Im_Crazy
Commodore (commodore)
@scribus This conversation suddenly makes a lot more sense. Yeah, that sounds about right.
@scribus I dunno six? Blood isn't my preferred point medium.
@scribus It's gotta be at least twelve right?
@rarity no probs.
@rarity If you follow, I'll dm the link.
If anybody wants a copy of Dust: An Elysian Tale, I have a spare key.
@redenchilada Knees and toes. Knees and toes.
@randomwonderbolt It's like left, down, low-left, down, or something like that. You'll see the light shining from the exit.
@techdisk Habit...
@scoot Me? I got a lamp, a golem, and a pumpkin thing?
Well, that was unanimous.
Chespin or Fennikin? You decide because I'm too lazy.
@awesam15 Is that a sausage on a pencil you're holding next to your mouth?
@redenchilada But the speed?!
@thelastgherkin Match point.
@thelastgherkin Normally, a gun has a trigger guard. Assuming that gun is missing the trigger guard and the safety is off, how does she hold it without it firing? If it does have a trigger guard, how would she pull the trigger? I'm thinking too hard about this.
@thelastgherkin I'm having problems figuring out the trigger...
@thelastgherkin How does she use the gun?
@sprite Ya might wanna go get that checked...
@sprite How did it happen?
@sprite Have you tried resetting it?
@sprite Give it CPR?
@redenchilada The Mask.
Steam's back for me.
@rarity yeah.
lel sprite.
Saturday, 21-Dec-13 02:25:28 UTC from web -
@lunanut And to think, I used to be one of the crazy ones.
@lunanut Cashew off guard, huh? Yeah. Okay, I'm going to stop now.
@lunanut Aw, nuts.