Sam daphnes nohansen hyrule (awesam15)

  1. i hope none hacks mine. i don't want to lose the thing that i never visit. ever.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:43:56 UTC from web
  2. illll get all up inside o this RDN

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:43:16 UTC from web
  3. @sleumas2000 ahhhhh ok. thanks.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:42:12 UTC from web in context
  4. @sleumas2000 thats good. i already did it for mine craft... i should do it for here too.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:37:24 UTC from web in context
  5. @macpony55 occasionally i wake up.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:36:41 UTC from web in context
  6. @sleumas2000 wow thats deep. i hate hackers.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:36:11 UTC from web in context
  7. @macpony55 ever wonder why w'ere here?

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:35:00 UTC from web in context
  8. oh and happy birthday

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:34:24 UTC from web
  9. so i came here

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:34:08 UTC from web in context
  10. im bored.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:33:56 UTC from web
  11. and got my cast off. yay.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:32:43 UTC from web
  12. also ate two packs of ramen. don't know why.

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:32:11 UTC from web
  13. listening to christmas songs. i don't know why...

    Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 16:30:17 UTC from web
  14. @snowcone mmmmmmm thighs

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:05:47 UTC from web in context
  15. @ryanjjjj AND THE MOVIE TOOOO

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:05:29 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:04:41 UTC from web in context
  17. @mushi mushi.... its cuz u look like jesus.

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:03:22 UTC from web in context
  18. i told a girl once i wanted to push her buttons. of course we were playing monopoly with that electric calculator banker, and she had it.... but whatever

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:02:21 UTC from web

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 23:00:32 UTC from web in context
  20. @awesam15 i think ill also buy some gobstoppers. i find thier perfectly spearical shape interesting.

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:59:04 UTC from web in context
  21. @thelastgherkin let me get right to the point. you seem like a sharp fellow, who seems to be able to butcher away unneccessary topics. i think it would be knife of you to come to lunch with me. say twelve sharp?

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:57:31 UTC from web in context
  22. im getting the handle on these knife jokes

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:54:14 UTC from web
  23. @thelastgherkin you sure could have a clear cut career in comedy

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:52:30 UTC from web in context
  24. i think mastertdi left

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:50:38 UTC from web
  25. @thelastgherkin my my, your cutting the list of knife puns down arent you?

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:49:30 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:48:21 UTC from web in context
  27. @ryanjjjj guess those ants dont want a taste of adventure then

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:47:37 UTC from web in context
  28. @thelastgherkin you make a good point.

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:46:26 UTC from web in context
  29. @mastertdi cANT you understand my predicament?

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:45:13 UTC from web in context
  30. @mastertdi dont brown

    Tuesday, 18-Mar-14 22:44:25 UTC from web in context