Night Owls (nightowls) group
Hi ponies, !nightowls and life forms in other time zones.
Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 20:13:23 UTC from web-
@infinity hi.
Off work early, gonna actually sleep before starting my weekend. Sorry, !nightowls
So evidently it's a lot easier to wake up when I get to bed at a reasonable hour. Hello, !nightowls and other timezoners!
Ha-hA! Not only has the job I put in for not been filled, there are now two openings listed. My odds have doubled! :D Also, good evening !nightowls.
@scribus At family gatherings the adults gather fr poker, no money is exchanged. it is just for fun. but EVERYONE is cheeting. the thing is to try and figure out how they are cheeting. that is the fun part.
@eqndawnluna Hehe That reminds me of Munchkin. Fun times.
@scribus Oh I have had fun times with that and another games like Flux at restraunts with friends.
!nightowls HiHi everypony
Thursday, 26-May-11 07:43:34 UTC from web -
Saturday, 21-May-11 11:08:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
@thelastgherkin Nothing overtly planned, no. Just see what comes up if I don't get the new position. Going back to school as per the original plan, regardless of what happens; might be able to coast on grants or loans or whatever comes up. Four or five years from now I aim to be a teacher, but that's way more than six months.
@scribus Then I wish you the very best of luck and success in everything you want to achieve. =)
@thelastgherkin Thank you. :)
One from the !1970s for all the !nightowls - ...well, the band & song are 1970s, the vid's a late-90s reunion, but it's the best I could find.
Thursday, 12-May-11 11:27:22 UTC from StatusNet Android -
whats up everypony im back from school
Thursday, 05-May-11 21:27:49 UTC from web-
@scribus well im in cali and its 2:35pm i got out at 2
@theawesomepony Yeah, I'm in !socal too, but I work nights. :p Makes life weird, man. heh
@theawesomepony Yah today has been a rather slow day I spent most of the day writing a paper for one of my finals but I might go see thor at midnight tonight so I can come on here and spoil it for everyone #thor
And with the stroke of midnight, it's officially #ponyday in !california (for the !nightowls at least). :) Hope it's a good one for everyone. !c
Friday, 29-Apr-11 07:00:25 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@scribus Yay 3 hour time gap D: - Wishing you the best of days as well! - For now though, I think I should be off to sleep :P
I was awake for 42 hours the other day. Still haven't fully recovered from it... #confound these ponies! #toomuchpony !nightowls
Friday, 29-Apr-11 00:23:09 UTC from web -
!owls !oat !c Official spelling for Twilight's owl: "Owlowiscious." |
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 04:41:10 UTC from web -
@applebloomsarepetalknives Hanging with the !nightowls, I see. !c
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 05:59:06 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@moonprincess Doesn't sound too bad. At least it's not Trollestia. ;p I think a more (how to say it?) "human" or varied portrayal should be okay, especially if it's between her and Luna, or behind closed doors.
@moonprincess They mostly confuse me. I guess as a joke I can see it. Molestia is where my line gets crossed. =/ Thankfully, that one's rare.
Why do I ever tell myself I'm going to get a reasonable amount of sleep? I should know better by now! !c !nightowls #derp
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 23:30:53 UTC from web -
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 12:50:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
Hello coffee, my old friend / I've come to drink from you again. !nightowls
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 08:27:49 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@scribus I see your #SimonandGarfunkel. While you enjoy your taste of coffee, I'm off to enjoy the sound of silence. Goodnight #Everypony!
@anonwritepony Sleep well!
Confound these ponies, they drive me to insomnia. I must be "getting old;" it's harder to get by on 4 hours of sleep than it used to be. !c !nightowls
Saturday, 23-Apr-11 05:17:54 UTC from StatusNet Android- Northern Dash likes this.
@celph You're not the only one!
Hello everypony :)
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 05:49:26 UTC from web -
Where are all the !nightowls at?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 07:21:42 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@moonprincess Oooh, groovy! :) Wish I could draw, sometimes, but I've come to terms with the fact that I've just focused elsewhere.
@scribus Studying :o
@celph Something good, I hope.
!nightowls It's 3am, I've been up for 36 hours. #confound these ponies... But I think I have to give in now...
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 01:09:39 UTC from web -
I'll say, I'm a little surprised that Saturday night seems to have had the fewest !nightowls online.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 11:53:03 UTC from StatusNet Android -
!nightowls Going to practice my bassline for the Winter Wrap-Up compilation project.
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 03:33:18 UTC from web- Darkly Cute likes this.
@trombe anychance you would need a singer, drummer, or bassist for the compilation?
@arctempest Sorry I'm getting back to you so late. The person in charge is accepting all forms of submissions! Here's the thread -
!nightowls 4:50 AM here, burning through free time at work. Any other professional night owls around? Gotta love the night shift.
Monday, 11-Apr-11 11:52:47 UTC from web- Thomas K repeated this.