Ponyville, Equestria
Hi Everypony! I'm Sugar and I take pictures! Check out my fillydelphia gallery for pony cosplay pictures. http://fillydelphia.com/g4/view/294
More details...Sugar (sugar)
!sanantoniobronies Hey everypony we now have our own meetup.com site. http://www.meetup.com/San-Antonio-Bronies/ Check it out and join!
Wednesday, 09-Nov-11 04:36:15 UTC from web -
@astra i'm ok just trying to get the next SA brony meet ready for the end of november
how's it going
hey everypony
*flops* hey everypony
!sanantoniobronies Hey guys we now have a facebook for our group, so everypony can hang out and chat in a more casual environment. I will also post all of the events there as well so those who are not on the forums or RDN can see it. Also I need one other person who wants to help with the facebook page, like updating it and such. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/167491223336295/
Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 00:57:33 UTC from web -
no Luna? *tear*
Saturday, 24-Sep-11 13:35:44 UTC from web -
is it pony time yet
Saturday, 24-Sep-11 13:02:48 UTC from web -
hi everypony
@bigponymac hehe you should be :) shes gona start raising prices on them
my Luna and Nyx plushes came in today
Hi Everypony!
Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:04:46 UTC from web -
@ladestitute like we are doing meets I would just love like a real brony con, something more then just those right around us
@ladestitute oh I already help run the San Antonio Bronies
@nvrrmbr I've cooked for conventions before, if we ever have a pony con I would totally do food
@ladestitute oh and my Risotto is pony friendly
@nvrrmbr lol you do need me to cook for you
@nvrrmbr It's more then just white bread
@ladestitute hay that's my flower
@nvrrmbr toast? is it at least good toast?
@ladestitute hey no drooling on my risotto
@abigpony hihi *waves*
@nvrrmbr I did a pork and an herb rissotto
@knoxemerald hihi
@nvrrmbr I'm good just finished dinner
@mushi hey Mushi
Hi #Everypony
morning #everypony