Group actions
!roleplayponies roleplay rp
A group for ponies who want to roleplay as cast members or their own original character ponies to post.
Roleplay Ponies (roleplayponies) group
Wednesday, 16-Oct-13 03:11:08 UTC from web
@spideygal123 Welcome to the site!
@spideygal123 hi newpony! Have you checked out the RP site before? there's a link beneath "INKS at the top or you can find it here: It's exactly like RDN, but with different rules for chatteing (most of the time you'll need to tag your post #ooc unless you're in character)
!roleplayponies So strange to look back on all that was... in the light of what is now occurring...
Thursday, 29-Nov-12 21:21:20 UTC from web-
@tenebarius The baby is almost here
@nerthos bye
@lunaisbestprincess Bye
Oh awesome, !EquestrianDawn has a group now. Join get!
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 22:01:11 UTC from web -
There seemed to be enough tentative interest to justify it, so I made an !equestriandawn group for the MUSH I'm working on. I'll keep everypony posted here, if they care to keep up. :) !rp !vgp
Thursday, 28-Apr-11 16:59:17 UTC from web -
!rp this new rp site is gonna rock!
Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 22:27:54 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 22:16:14 UTC from web
!rp !vgp I have a testing server for a MUSH set up now, if anyone's interested. And I will need wizards if anyone is interested in that. !techponies
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 22:52:29 UTC from web- delete_ likes this.
@retl Groovy, then. I'll PM you the URL, it's got the connection info. :)
@scribus Alrighty. :3 I'll probably check it out when I get home in a few hours. (Or maybe now if I convince myself to get off RDN long enough. XD )
@retl Okay, I'll probably be asleep by then, but I might have woken up depending on how many a few hours is. But then I'll have work, myself... Anyway, it'll still be there. Unless a roommate gets to paraspriting.
I thought getting my MU* server running would be the hard part. Now that I've done that, the learning curve just got ugly. Looks like I know where my free time will be spent for the next . . . ever. !rp !vgp !techponies
Monday, 25-Apr-11 23:30:12 UTC from web -
#ooc On the subject on !rp i'm afraid I may have to quit for the moment...:< Real life and IRL bros are stopping me being able to actuslly get involved in the going-ons without being intrusive. #feelsbadpony Exams start on May 13th too and I need 2 As and a C for entry into the course I want in, software development. Hate when real life pushes you around.
Monday, 25-Apr-11 23:11:12 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuck #ooc Good luck, Puck!
To tell you guys the truth, I originally planed this place to be a place for fanfic writers to update the public about their fan pieces, or for people to share their art, or tell people about the locations of new toys etc. Right now, 70% of posts are RP. and this was kinda unexpected. I may need to install a separate RP board. The original rush of people that came in after EQD are not logging in, and RP may be contributing factor. I'm not saying don't RP, but this is not what I had in mind.
Monday, 25-Apr-11 22:47:19 UTC from web- Brady Dilla and A pony with no friends C: like this.
@administrator #ooc While I, for one, like the idea of a new board for !rp, I'd like to know what that would mean for posters such as me. While I am not among those who !rp every day, I feel my posts often walk the line between chatter and roleplay.
@zecora Hello Zecora.
@administrator Oh hey, "to share their art" is exactly why I joined. And the amount of RP doesn't quite surprise me, but I really wouldn't mind a new sever for it. Really, really wouldn't mind. Really, really, really... [etc]
#ooc is this place fully an RP place? i can't tell
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 18:11:05 UTC from web-
Silver Spark likes this.
#ooc !rp Alright everypony, I'm going to have to miss most of the RP tomarrow. Extreme technical issues. [THE ONE DAY I HAVE OFF!!!]
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 01:22:44 UTC from web -
#ooc oh and sorry for lack of !rp of recent guys...been busy with school and IRL buds. Promise I'm gonna RP big style tomorrow!
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 23:10:27 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc Okay. @rainbowdashismycopilot Yup. Very few story pages, though.
Yo, !rp ponies. Are you thirsty for roleplay in realtime? No Ads, no confusing IRC client. Simple commands.
Wednesday, 20-Apr-11 03:08:04 UTC from web- Cassiopeia likes this.
@lovejoy Oh and by the way. Community chat is perfectly fine too. There's rooms just for that.
@lovejoy And one more thing. Fav the hell out of these posts to help get the word out. :3
Monday, 18-Apr-11 19:55:40 UTC from web
@frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc Coolio!
#ooc uh, gah! gotta school in the mornin'. Gutted was quite enjoying this...for the sake of!dd and !rp someone can be a pseudo-frostbite. I'll catch up on the wiki! g'night guys!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 23:12:21 UTC from web -
#ooc The multiverse portal is closed btw. // *The room has just 1 door and 1 button, also 1 camera*
@takisawesome !rp *Glares at camera* You... You would dare to do something this cruel!?
Robotic voice: Please proced into (#ooc ANDROID HELL!!!) the portal *portal opens and it leads to the outside the room* // Taki: *blinks* // Sentrie: *shoot start to shoot anything that moves but OH LOOK! they ran out of bullets soon after .3.*
*looks to takisawesome* uhm.. hello?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 22:27:01 UTC from web-
@takisawesome *gasp!* wait for meeeee! *try to reach taki and gets sucked too*
@raritybeauty @frostbitepuckroyalguard @frostflow Everyone get back, get underground!
*darts for @fialvert's shack, talking rapidly in an unintelliglbe language*
#ooc Ok so whos gonna start up
@chipthe3rd What means IC o.o?
@chaosmagic #ooc !rp or !dd are the IC symbols...
@chipthe3rd oh ^^
@takisawesome !rp hello there! *salute* The name's Frostbite Puck!
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 20:11:41 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard Nice to meet you, i am Takisawesome.
*flies around but when he sees the smoke blinks, he dives down only to land next to Chip and Atticus*
@chipthe3rd !rp Name is Takisawesome Sojuna Titrasky, you can call me Taki.
@takisawesome Well, Taki. I'm Chip.
@chipthe3rd !rp Nice to meet you Chip. So, how are you today. *looks at @frostbitepuckroyalguard* Hello sir.
!rp Why is there smoke in the sky...
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 20:06:29 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard !rp Hey Puck!
I AM FIT AGAIN...WOO HOO! *runs around* NO MORE BED REST FOR ME! *stops abruptly*...Now I can watch the Hockey!! *starts off* !rp
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 19:18:49 UTC from web-
@frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc Hey, I'mma working on the wiki. If you could link me a picture for reference, and that bio you posted. It'd be of much use.
!rp Hey everypony.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:40:06 UTC from web-
@sweetiebelle99 Yeah. @chipthe3rd which way do we go?
@sweetiebelle99 Ask me what?
@chipthe3rd @sugar Which way do we go at Sugercube Corner in order to reach Canterlot? Right, left, or straight?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:23:37 UTC from web
There, done dusting. *looks around* What else is their to clean?
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 03:02:18 UTC from web -
Hi everypony! What a BORING day at school, I hope mom baked some more muffins!
Saturday, 16-Apr-11 22:12:35 UTC from web-
@dinkyhooves *trots over* Everfree Forest is a little dangerous, dontcha think?
@dinkyhooves When you get back we'll go explore the forest.
@dinkyhooves ill have to see!
#everypony #ooc I don't believe anypony meant offense. Why not make up and let the !rp commence? I know this topic is one of great controversy, but for now I think its best to just let it be.
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:29:17 UTC from web-
@zecora Heya Zecora, how's it goin
@dubstep Well recently theres been some drama around. Thankfully it seems to be dying down.
@zecora @frostbitepuckroyalguard #ooc HEAR HEAR! Now then, can we continue now that this storm has blown over?
well, gonna go back into !rp mode...*trotting about aimlessly*
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 02:40:23 UTC from web