@ceruleanspark OH NO NOT LUNA GAME! YOU FOAL!!! *NMM is resurrected because Luna Game was mentioned*
@starlightbolt No silly filly, it's magic.
@starlightbolt It's a memory stick.
#justforfun When Season 2 is released, I will mentally replace Discord's VA with Weird Al Yankovic.
Friday, 02-Sep-11 08:12:45 UTC from web -
@gangstashy For eternity?
@gangstashy @starlightbolt The entire internet on one USB...
@gangstashy Maybe betrayal is Dash's kryptonite? Element of Loyalty, y'know?
Also, trying to get Big Boss facecamo on MGS4 is for flipping masochists.
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:45:14 UTC from web -
@gangstashy I think either Evil Dash or Discord (Must resist adding H...) is a shapeshifter.
All right everypony... Grey Rainbow Dash screenshot. Theories and discussions. Stat! #hungryforguessing
WHAT I WANNA SEE IN S2: Everything remaining the same. Big Bad at the start of the season, gets his/her flank kicked in episode 2, all the rest is slice of life. Perfecto!
@mrn4rmn4rm Meh, that's what YouTube was invented for.
@mrn4rmn4rm Nothing, but I want this to be broadcast over here in Blighty, or Mr Flibble will be very cross.
@philosodash @mrn4rmn4rm DAWG DAWG DAWG DAWG *Head explodes*
Curse you, Britain! How DARE you only have Season One! I want to see season two. Don't make me use YouTube!
Monday, 22-Aug-11 22:31:35 UTC from web -
@mrbrown That explains why I can see part of my brain on Google Earth, then...
SEASON TWO! OH. MY. FORKING. GAWD. Guys, I... I think Hasbro just shot me in the face with an Awesomeness Shotgun at point blank...
So this is the old haunting ground, eh? Glad to be back again...
Monday, 15-Aug-11 12:59:40 UTC from web -
Fluttershy is best pony. The end.
Okay guys, now Imma blow some minds: According to TV Tropes, Equestria Girls "mentions DJ PON-3 (previously only a fan name). Pinkie Pie specifically says 'Bronies'. THEY KNOW."
@puck10messigod Oh well, Puck. There's going to be a new series of it very soon.
#ooc CELESTIA DAMN YOU GOOGLE DOCS!!!!!! I lost my whole gosh darn fanfic to your STUPID ERRORS!
Friday, 29-Apr-11 18:46:40 UTC from web -
#ooc *Lurkity Lurk Lurk*
Friday, 29-Apr-11 16:40:29 UTC from web -
@critialcloudkicker You Likes?
#ooc Done some more work on the fic, anypony fancy a read of what I've got so far?
@theawesomepony @carcinopony #ooc Yes, let us prepare the friendship ray.