Thursday, 14-Sep-17 02:00:21 UTC from web -
@moonprincess Not yet Luna! But I will come back soon! :) @darkcore BIRD IS THE WORD
@darkcore Hey-o!
New seasonal on GT5, 85% rain conditions.... #NOPE
@purplephish20 I've been away for about 2 month so that makes sense. xD
@moonprincess I promise. :3 Anyways, off to the hygienist for a check-up. See y'all later #everypony and I'll see you in the chat Later Lunbar. :D
@moonprincess You'd love Scotland then, it's like the only way of summing up one's disappointment...GUTTED.
@moonprincess lololololol, that sounds pretty dangerous! Fial must have been gutted!
@moonprincess Do tell!
@moonprincess oooooh burn!
@rotation Awesome. @moonprincess fine! But don't tell Eli...he seemed determined to choose it this time... ;)
@moonprincess Obviously! :o Also, I may even read a story tonight but for the sake of our sanity we had better not let DC choose it again. D: @rotation Ah cool! How come you were visiting England?
@rotation Yeah man, always forget about this website cause I'm a total derp. ^^ Yeah, everything is going great, just completely cruised my first class exam for programming so I feel good. Combining that with the fact my next exam ain't till next Tuesday I'm happy as can be! How about you bro?
@moonprincess You got it! :D Hell, I'll even take off my shirt again...or If you prefer (which i'm sure you will) wear a coat, scarf, hat and gloves again on cam. Just cause i'm edgy like that. :D And enjoy school...if thats possible :<
@jinny Both ^^
@moonprincess LUNA! :D Sup!
I love sliding on the ice, it makes me feel like a god whilst everyone else slips and falls.
Oh mah gad, Sonic Generations is the finest speciman of Video gaming i've played all year. <3
Attempt #3! http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan << Please click and like to help a fellow brony get a Formula 1/motorsport trainee-ship!
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 20:44:52 UTC from web -
http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan Hello everypony , could you please please like this video (if you have a Facebook, IF i GET THE TOP 2 AMOUNT OF LIKES I CAN GET AN APPRENTICESHIP in motorsport. <3 thanks in advance.
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 19:20:33 UTC from web -
http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan Hello everypony , could you please please like this video (if you have a Facebook, IF i GET THE TOP 2 AMOUNT OF LIKES I CAN GET AN APPRENTICESHIP in motorsport. <3 thanks in advance.
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:33:20 UTC from web -
@madflavors I'll be sure to post pics! ^^
The awkward moment when you buy an Adidas hoodie just because it has the same Color scheme as the great and powerful Trixie.
@jinny Lukewarm? :o Sounds awesome!
@jinny I've always wanted to get something on EQD, I know it's not anything artistic but still :p
Yay! EQD posted my photo of the Pinkie Nightclub. ^^