
  1. Boop

    Thursday, 14-Sep-17 02:00:21 UTC from web
  2. @moonprincess Not yet Luna! But I will come back soon! :) @darkcore BIRD IS THE WORD

    Friday, 13-Jan-12 14:29:32 UTC from web in context
  3. @darkcore Hey-o!

    Friday, 13-Jan-12 14:26:43 UTC from web in context
  4. New seasonal on GT5, 85% rain conditions.... #

    Friday, 13-Jan-12 14:23:11 UTC from web in context
  5. @purplephish20 I've been away for about 2 month so that makes sense. xD

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 15:25:38 UTC from web in context
  6. @moonprincess I promise. :3 Anyways, off to the hygienist for a check-up. See y'all later # and I'll see you in the chat Later Lunbar. :D

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 14:20:14 UTC from web in context
  7. @moonprincess You'd love Scotland then, it's like the only way of summing up one's disappointment...GUTTED.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 14:12:09 UTC from web in context
  8. @moonprincess lololololol, that sounds pretty dangerous! Fial must have been gutted!

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 14:05:49 UTC from web in context
  9. @moonprincess Do tell!

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 14:00:25 UTC from web in context
  10. @moonprincess oooooh burn!

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:53:09 UTC from web in context
  11. @rotation Awesome. @moonprincess fine! But don't tell Eli...he seemed determined to choose it this time... ;)

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:50:54 UTC from web in context
  12. @moonprincess Obviously! :o Also, I may even read a story tonight but for the sake of our sanity we had better not let DC choose it again. D: @rotation Ah cool! How come you were visiting England?

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:48:02 UTC from web in context
  13. @rotation Yeah man, always forget about this website cause I'm a total derp. ^^ Yeah, everything is going great, just completely cruised my first class exam for programming so I feel good. Combining that with the fact my next exam ain't till next Tuesday I'm happy as can be! How about you bro?

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:44:45 UTC from web in context
  14. @moonprincess You got it! :D Hell, I'll even take off my shirt again...or If you prefer (which i'm sure you will) wear a coat, scarf, hat and gloves again on cam. Just cause i'm edgy like that. :D And enjoy school...if thats possible :<

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:43:20 UTC from web in context
  15. @jinny Both ^^

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:40:56 UTC from web in context
  16. @moonprincess LUNA! :D Sup!

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:38:55 UTC from web in context
  17. I love sliding on the ice, it makes me feel like a god whilst everyone else slips and falls.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 13:35:47 UTC from web in context
  18. Oh mah gad, Sonic Generations is the finest speciman of Video gaming i've played all year. <3

    Sunday, 06-Nov-11 21:24:52 UTC from web in context
  19. Attempt #! http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan << Please click and like to help a fellow brony get a Formula 1/motorsport trainee-ship!

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 20:44:52 UTC from web
  20. http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan Hello everypony , could you please please like this video (if you have a Facebook, IF i GET THE TOP 2 AMOUNT OF LIKES I CAN GET AN APPRENTICESHIP in motorsport. <3 thanks in advance.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 19:20:33 UTC from web
  21. http://www.traineeforoneday.com/nominee/brendan Hello everypony , could you please please like this video (if you have a Facebook, IF i GET THE TOP 2 AMOUNT OF LIKES I CAN GET AN APPRENTICESHIP in motorsport. <3 thanks in advance.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:33:20 UTC from web
  22. @madflavors I'll be sure to post pics! ^^

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 16:07:31 UTC from web in context
  23. The awkward moment when you buy an Adidas hoodie just because it has the same Color scheme as the great and powerful Trixie.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:59:34 UTC from web in context
  24. @jinny Lukewarm? :o Sounds awesome!

    Friday, 21-Oct-11 13:27:48 UTC from web in context
  25. @jinny I've always wanted to get something on EQD, I know it's not anything artistic but still :p

    Friday, 21-Oct-11 13:20:57 UTC from web in context
  26. Yay! EQD posted my photo of the Pinkie Nightclub. ^^

    Friday, 21-Oct-11 13:18:54 UTC from web in context
  27. @jinny Exactly! I was walking , not even looking in that direction, when BAM it caught my eye. xD @flaxx Yup! :D

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:48:33 UTC from web in context
  28. @cptscoot @jinny Awesome huh? ^^ And no worries!

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:46:05 UTC from web in context
  29. @jinny @flaxx @cptscoot @zach121k @ceruleanspark Here it is! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/dsc00020qp.jpg/

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 17:42:17 UTC from web in context
  30. @jinny @zach121k @flaxx @cptscoot Haha, thank you lads! I'll upload it as soon as I get back from Uni (roughly 2 hours)

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 14:08:19 UTC from web in context