All right everypony... Grey Rainbow Dash screenshot. Theories and discussions. Stat! #hungryforguessing
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:36:11 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Rainbow Dash goes through a depressed phase. Something tells me this has something to do with Discord.
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:40:18 UTC from web-
@gangstashy I think either Evil Dash or Discord (Must resist adding H...) is a shapeshifter.
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:42:41 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Hmmm maybe.
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:48:38 UTC from web-
@gangstashy Maybe betrayal is Dash's kryptonite? Element of Loyalty, y'know?
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:50:20 UTC from web-
@chipthe3rd Huh, that's pretty insightful. I dunno, I don't want to ruin it. XD
Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:53:56 UTC from web-
@gangstashy i know something that will store everything you can think of, and i mean ANYTHING, they havent made a thumb drive out of it, but they have made small harddrives,
Friday, 02-Sep-11 08:05:05 UTC from web