Applejack Fan Club (applejack) group
A noteworthy pattern !Applejack @#Applejack @#BigMac #BigMcIntosh
#spoiler, 10-Feb-14 01:09:23 UTC from web -
Saturday, 28-Dec-13 16:14:44 UTC from web
Friday, 08-Nov-13 22:14:12 UTC from web
!applejack hello all, just wanted to say I'm happy I found this group :-)
Tuesday, 03-Sep-13 16:05:20 UTC from web -
Whatever happened to Miley. Whatever happened to Hannah Montana
Monday, 26-Aug-13 10:48:46 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin I used to be an adventurer like you, but I'm actually quite well-rounded
@pony Here's me for posterity
@pony I didn't take a photo of mine
Thursday, 22-Aug-13 15:40:33 UTC from web
@#AJ !Applejack @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy !ppr !saved nice artist
Friday, 24-May-13 07:07:52 UTC from web-
@pony The style, yes. The pony depicted? Not so much. XDD
@flamingpandaomg You make AJ sad.
!ppr !saved !Sweetie_Belle @#Sweetie !Scootaloo @#Scootaloo !Celestia @#Celestia #Lyra @#Lyra !Applejack @#AJ
Thursday, 23-May-13 19:58:05 UTC from web-
@pony everything.. !saved
!ppr !saved !Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Applejack @#RD @#AJ @#Fluttershy
Thursday, 23-May-13 19:23:17 UTC from web -
(paragraph enhanced) !ponypicturerampage @#RD !Rainbow_Dash @#AJ !Applejack @#Pinkie !Pinkie_Pie @#Derpy #Derpy @#Luna @#Celestia !Luna !Celestia @#Twilight !Twilight_Sparkle @#Rarity !Rarity #Cadence #Chrysalis
Thursday, 04-Apr-13 01:03:22 UTC from web-
@beatstrings (\ ^_^
@mushi xDD
@neurario My epic picture posts are no longer stifled, still, for gherkin's sake I'll try to only do it when he's not around.
@#AJ !Applejack @#BigMac #Big_Mac
Wednesday, 03-Apr-13 23:43:19 UTC from web -
Friday, 08-Feb-13 19:40:07 UTC from web
Thursday, 07-Feb-13 01:04:15 UTC from web
*keyboard smash* #sad !Applejack
Thursday, 07-Feb-13 01:02:28 UTC from web -
@#AJ @#RD @#Fluttershy @#cute !Applejack !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy
Monday, 28-Jan-13 10:30:51 UTC from web- Pinkie Pie likes this.
@pony D'aww
Ponies aren't just for girls, let this tale unfurl! !TwilightSparkle !PinkiePie, !AppleJack and !Fluttershy ! Do not be afraid, we will never fade! !RainbowDash and !Rarity. Join the herd and you will see! #hashtagabuse #songstuckinhead
Thursday, 15-Mar-12 18:34:05 UTC from web- TheFunkyTortoise likes this.
- TheFunkyTortoise repeated this.
@minti Join the herd Cover forestrain
@rozeluck Yes, yes it is. ;p
@minti im hearing that one right now when you posted the he even sang it xcD
alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web -
join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zimzap YES!!!
!Applejack Hi! I'm here now, so that's another of us - and I'm 33, so you're not the only old mangoess running around in here. For reassurance: we are a specialized fandom, this is a very micro sort of microblog, and individual character fandoms in a (relatively) small fanbase are very small indeed. We're also not promoted on the front page of the network, like the Dashie group. Don't take it as a lack of love - the Brony groups on Facefail, R34 or otherwise, are full of AJ lovers.
Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:13:37 UTC from web-
@psykozohedron Well welcome to RDN newpony!
!applejack If people want more traffic, however, it will behoove them to generate it themselves, and promote the group to the rest of the network. Look around for AJ fans and invite them to join. ツ
Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:14:36 UTC from web -
Hay everypony... ...Why no !applejack love? Why hasn't there been a post in over 2 months!? <canterlock> WHY DO I NOT HAVE ANY APPLE PIE!? </canterlock>
Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 02:03:09 UTC from web -
!applejack... Your day shall come.
Tuesday, 08-Nov-11 15:51:04 UTC from web -
!applejack ...wub woo.
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 01:27:02 UTC from web-
If I were a sculptor... (ha!) ...but then again... no.
Why is there so much AJ hate? :c !applejack
Sunday, 25-Sep-11 00:45:09 UTC from web -
You know what? I so wish that @mlpapplejack was around right now. Because if she was . . . I'd step over her way . . . watch the way the wind blows her long blonde hair . . . see the way that her cowgirl hat still sits there just right, giving her that strong, rugged pony-of-the-earth look . . . take a good look into those soulful, honest eyes . . . lean in close . . . put my hoof over hers . . . and whisper sweetly . . . "One basket of Cortlands, please. I am SO craving an apple pie," as I drop my money into her hoof, and head off with a nice basket of yummy baking apples! :) (Hey, SOMEONE had to actually talk about ponies here. Crazy, I know! :p ;) And apologies to @mlpapplejack for being the !applejack I decided to single out. :) And, for the record, I AM craving some apple pie a la mode right now. Think I'll head home, make dinner, and get a pie started on baking.)
Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 01:31:18 UTC from web-
@astra That's a fantastic story
#ooc !Applejack For the ebay auction, i was the first bidder. lost bein high bidder after 400 dollars I think. No job + no money = no AJ sketch.
Monday, 25-Apr-11 20:19:42 UTC from web -
Monday, 25-Apr-11 20:03:39 UTC from web
The !Applejack fan club has only 37 members?! That's terrible, considering how far up Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are. Awww, c'mon, people, more Apple lovin'!
Monday, 25-Apr-11 15:59:18 UTC from web -
So i used to think it was !Fluttershy who everyone ignored, but i've recently come to the conclusion that !Applejack really needs more love... "Ya'll say that ONE MORE TIME!"
Friday, 15-Apr-11 13:57:25 UTC from web-
@libbylishly I agree with this, I can't never get enough Applejack to suit my needs~ (My bestest friend is also a huge fan of AJ!)