Timonium, MD
Applejack's number 1 fan, friend of Apple Bloom, and also a XBL and PSN gamer.
More details...Steve D. (delc17)
@babbysupreme they just hide in the shadows, waiting for u to cross the line and then they JUMP OUT, like Pinkie pie on a cookie!
@babbysupreme They aren't trust me
@babbysupreme they're not ALL asleep
@lyokotravels you too? I thought I was the only one who tied my shoes while typing on the computer
@babbysupreme Loss of pony music can do that to a pony
@lyokotravels OUCH
Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 06:28:14 UTC from web -
@babbysupreme I never finished it. had too much trouble with the 2nd verses
@shyfan2012 not that hard to imagine. i was working on remaking real muthaphunkin g's (well, something that SOUNDED like that) to Real Muffin Lovin B's
Argh, a friend of mine has a stalker
@princessweetiebelle It's part of life. I saw that welovefine added 3 new shirts, one a derpy one
@tophat Well, cuz in my mind, there isn't best or bestest. there are a few ponies im not fond of. Scootaloo i DO like though, just on the CMC list, she's last
@princessweetiebelle not too much. Watching the muppet show on DVD. paying bills, checking EQD and talking to pony friends on FB
@princessweetiebelle Heyas princess
@tophat SOMEpony has to be last. and unfortunatly, it's scootaloo
My favorite is applejack, then rarity, then apple bloom
Wednesday, 25-Jan-12 05:22:58 UTC from web -
@babbysupreme Actually, for me, it's apple bloom, then sweetie belle, then scootaloo
@babbysupreme Sweetie Belle is AWESOME
Good evenin everypony
@yodelerty I guess I'm going to bed too.
I think that one little diatribe I wrote has become the single most favorited notice on RDN. I'm glad for that, since it was some of the best writing I'd ever done, and a little sad because It's gonna be hard to top it. Not to mention outside RDN, almost no one knows my name, so at the July BroNYCon, if I hope to address Lauren Faust, no one will know who I am, so it'll just seem like I'm speaking for myself, and not the pony/brony community
Thursday, 19-Jan-12 06:55:32 UTC from web -
Farewell all. I'll be completely offline for 24 hours
Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 05:00:35 UTC from web -
@princesstwilight i won't decide. I'll just go to bed since I need to wake up in 5 hours
@princesstwilight that's your decision. not ours
@yodelerty http://www.ebay.com/itm/My-Little-Pony-mlp-fim-Plushie-plush-TWILIGHT-SPARKLE-GALA-hand-crafted-Minky-/320830960658?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab303f412
@yodelerty Did u see the twilight in gala plushie on sale on ebay?
@yodelerty LOL
@leonkfox That was one BRUTAL, SERIOUS burial of johnny ace. I havent seen anything that harsh in a loooooong time. Reminded me of 99 raw
@leonkfox Hey leon, did u see raw tonight?
@yodelerty Nightly roundup 216, DC meetup, look way left to the guy in the glasses and the Derpy shirt. that's me holding apple bloom
@yodelerty there was a pic of it in the next to latest nightly roundup. read the one from sunday