Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
http://funkyjam175.deviantart.com/Just became a Brony, but I'm totally immersed! God, I'm so addicted...
More details...Cam B (tophat)
!bcbronies gonna be outta town for the next little while, so i wont be at the meet ups or any of that stuff. will miss you guys and gals ^_^
!bcbronies Hey all, sorry i haven't been around for a while. School and all that :P Where's the meet up tomorrow? I'd love to see everyone again and meet new faces
just discovered the browser ponies! now they wont leave! :D
@jackzhang I'm going to make sure that everyone sends emails me their video's and don't simply upload it to youtube. what would be the best format? .avi? .mkv? let me know.
@jackzhang Hey Jack! you would not believe the reply's i've been getting on the Winter Wrap Up video. let me know if you're still willing to do the editing for it... I'm kinda in shock as to how quickly this is all coming together...
Hello everypony, I have a proposition for you. I want to do a cover of Winter Wrap Up, one that includes as many bronies as physically possible, and create a sort of musical mosaic for YouTube. Let me know if you're willing to help out! Please reply if you are interested!
Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 08:51:00 UTC from web -
!bcbronies see you guys at the meetup tomorrow. last week there were only four of us cause of VancouFur, but here's hoping theres a whole lot more tomorrow! I'll be bringing a treat as well! :D
Saturday, 17-Mar-12 02:42:29 UTC from web -
@pony consistently different... PARADOX ALERT! TIME FOR A PARTY! But first, dinner.
@pony i was just with him and i got pikie and AJ, but i only asked for two, not the whole of what they had. I don't know what else they did have.
!bcbronies there's still a meetup tomorrow, yes? I'll see you all there!
Saturday, 10-Mar-12 06:08:51 UTC from web -
@axalyss sweet! :D Yeah, i go on spring break next tomorrow, so i'll probably be at the next three (?) meet ups! I've been so ready to get out of this bloody dorm. sigh... so stressful :P
@arctempest !bcbronies trouble crossing the border? if not, there's always Everfree NW...
@axalyss but of course! can't wait to see everypony again. Its been quite a while!
@axalyss that would be correct! :D
@therealscoutaloo !bcbronies I live in Kitselano, but go to school on Vancouver island. It's a boarding school, so that's where i usually am...
!vancouverbronies just realized we totally forgot to get a picture for EQD nightly round up! :(
Monday, 13-Feb-12 12:48:27 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies @tylendal whaaaaaat...? I accidentally everyone's names... is that bad? what is bestest best part of BC? cause i went home after the cafe, and haven't seen anyone since... yeah...
@mcbrony !vancouverbronies it was well planned friend. I applaud you.
@asvendius !vancouverbronies gah! i wish i was in town...
!vancouverbronies remember all those new ponies? they're in a single set for about $35... also, great meetup! lots of fun. My next break isn't until march, so i probably won't see you all until then. Keep calm and Derp on bronies!
!vancouverbronies about to leave for the cafe. see y'all in about an hour!
@redtie !vancouverbronies It did get leaked yesterday. it was available for purchase on iTunes for all of two hours, then it disappeared. i have yet been able to actually watch it, so I'm gonna wait till tomorrow. Good luck on finding it.
@jdan !vancouverbronies Hi! Welcome to the herd! :D I'm sure you could come to the meet-up if you really wanted to. I'm not really an organizer, and i certainly don't speak for the others, but I'd have no problems with you sitting in. Who knows, you might even enjoy the show! :D
i go to school on van island, so im rarely in town when theres a meet up. I want to go while i can. :) I'll see you gentlecolts on saturday for sure, cause otherwise I probably wont make it for another month.
Friday, 10-Feb-12 05:20:46 UTC from web -
!vancouverbronies i'll see if i can make it to the meetup at the bamboo. i live in kits, so it's a bit far, but if it's by skytrain, i can prolly make it. see you there, maybe!
@ruperofbronies challenge accepted. jk :P if I lived in P.E.I. I might, but no such luck. Thanks for the invite though! :D