... (tenebarius)
Sup bois.
Hello, everyone. It's been a while. I'm amazed this place is still here.
@firestormdangerdash I'd never forget, my friend. Never.
I can't believe this place is still here, yo.
@thismightbeauser Hmm. Why were you deleting your old notices?
@thismightbeauser Are you a long-time lurker or someone who made an account just to say this?
@mrmattimation He's not the only one.
@awl It can be refreshing to look back on the things that you used to like.
@tenebarius Taking a trip down memory lane by looking at my past posted media.
@awl Pretty incredible. I thought this place would have died long ago.
Holy crap. Is this place still alive?
@mushi Is busy a good enough answer?
@mrmattimation @mushi Whoa is right. It's been a while, guys.
Hey kiddos.
@redenchilada Gotta get them memeorinos.
@redenchilada Either way, you are one tootie fruity.
@northernnarwhal Do you have to even axe?
@northernnarwhal Oh, sorry... finding some trouble in replying. I seem to have a frog in my throat...
@northernnarwhal You could say... that it's all coming to a head.
@northernnarwhal We may just need to sever our ties and head our own ways.
@northernnarwhal Now now, try not to shove things down my throat.
@mrmattimation Quite a fitting image, given the current circumstances.
@northernnarwhal What can I say? I like sticking my neck out.
Beware, I am the pun-isher. Fear me.
@northernnarwhal I hope to stand head-and-shoulders above the rest.
@lunanut Sounds like you have an axe to grind.
@lunanut I don't doubt that that is on purpose.
@northernnarwhal We should really cut this out. These puns are getting a bit heady; I'm afraid of what will come necks.
@lunanut You're making me even more jealous... Still, I can only imagine what military life is like.
@northernnarwhal I agree. Normally I Shia-way from such violence.