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Do you like parties? of course you do! if you dont like parties and laughter, you are loco in the coco!
Pinkie Pie Fanclub (pinkieism) group
My People! :D
Monday, 30-Mar-15 22:55:45 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 03:12:11 UTC from web
alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web -
join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zimzap YES!!!
Good morrow, masters all!
Sunday, 18-Dec-11 12:10:22 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Ah yes. There are times when one can only throw up ones hands and walk away.
@thelastgherkin But on the other hand, dude...ponies!
@thelastgherkin Hail Pinkie Pie, our savior and messiah. Only she can break the vessels of reality and free us!!!!!!
Morons on DA are actually confusing !Pinkieism for an ACTUAL religion. I don't even
Sunday, 18-Dec-11 00:27:18 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Okay I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. One part of me wants to laugh because this is absolutely hilarious, and one part of me wants to cry because I can't believe people don't have anything better to do than troll a group because of its name. Well, I'm guessing most of them are trolling, anyway.
@flaxx that is stupid! the only one that should be worshiped is twilight!
@mushi You seem to have misspelled Celestia and Luna.
Hey dude-a-rinos, if you're on DA and you like Pinkie, maybe you'd like to be a !Pinkieism admin and let me shirk my responsibilities??
Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 19:52:23 UTC from web-
@rotation I'm not, just asking if the British people I know sound really British.
RDN's Lucifer likes this. -
@thelastgherkin (hi is this spot still open) The groups rules that basically say "Nothing M-rated, submit to the right folder, pictures must have Pinkie in them", right?
@redenchilada Yes, but find me some examples and send them in a note to my DA!
Oh gosh this is like the best thing ever. !ponyart !bln !pinkieism
Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 15:23:28 UTC from web -
Friday, 30-Sep-11 20:54:15 UTC from web -
Sure, she's naturally cute, but the straightened hair looks really nice on here, even if it doesn't fit the personality. !pinkieism
Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 17:08:24 UTC from web -
I enjoy the way she says this line just a tiiiiiny bit too much. The way that Oo in Goodness comes out. Ooooh~<3 !pinkieism
Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 17:05:19 UTC from web-
@rotation Ah. I did after you mentioned looking through them. Though I started posting to Pinkieism because somepony pointed out there hadn't been many posts to it lately
@retl Then we fell in love, married, and had three children.
delete_ likes this. -
@thelastgherkin And that's how Equestria was made!
Gherkin ☑️ likes this.
I'm making pink cupcakes for the Day of Laughter. !pinkieism
Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 00:51:40 UTC from web-
@carcinopony no, let me check again
@pk it keeps changing my name to chumDroid
@pk ok, there we go.
Happy Laughter Day! HAVE SOME PINKIE PIE! !pinkieism !ponyart #art
And here it is again: celebrate #LaughterDay in style with the Official !Pinkieism Collagoration Wallpaper!
Monday, 06-Jun-11 16:00:06 UTC from web -
And here it is! The Official !Pinkieism #LaughterDay collagoration:
Monday, 06-Jun-11 10:04:41 UTC from web- rotation likes this.
@thelastgherkin ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Also: Dat Pinkazoid
@thelastgherkin SO MUCH PINKIE
Good morning everypony! Remember, today is #LaughterDay! Make sure you celebrate... PINKIE PIE STYLE! !pinkieism
Monday, 06-Jun-11 08:28:52 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin <3 YAY PINKIE
@thelastgherkin #yay <3
Sooooo... if you're going to get a cute picture of Pinkie in for the Official !Pinkieism Laughter Day Collage, you'd better get it in quickly!
Sunday, 05-Jun-11 19:27:21 UTC from web- delete_ likes this.
Woke to the sound of a whining dog. TIME FOR PONIES.
Wednesday, 25-May-11 10:15:26 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin If that song had a face, I would punch it in the balls.
@retl Sturgeon's Law! But yeah, I don't listen to much pop music either.
@earflaps Ooooh. :O I like this way of thinking about it!
!Pinkieism As a fellow member, I am a failure. What day was Pinkie Pie's birthday, again?
Tuesday, 24-May-11 10:54:05 UTC from web-
@quetzalcoatl Oh gosh I have to do this now. <3
@quetzalcoatl I thought it was April 29, give or take a day. (the day Party of One aired)
@starshine yeah, but that was in Earth years, not in Equestria years.
I am here at the grand gala for it is the best party | But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie. !Pinkieism Amen.
Saturday, 21-May-11 21:51:07 UTC from web -
@greydragon412 The 6th of June is Laughter Day! A super-neat day all about Pinkie Pie! !pinkieism
Thursday, 19-May-11 22:14:12 UTC from web-
@loak Espically the ghosie.
@thelastgherkin Yayy Pinkie Pie! <3
@loak I would giggle at everything all day, but I'd rather do something I don't normally do.
Thursday, 19-May-11 14:44:19 UTC from web
@retl Oh wait. Nevermind. I was wrong.
In !pinkieism news, remember the guy who was watching the DA group without having seen a single episode? Just converted him. Aaaall riiiight. B-)
Tuesday, 17-May-11 20:03:50 UTC from web -
!pinkieism Calling all Pinkieistas! The 6th of June is Laughter Day, and we're going to make a Pinkie collage! Be there or be square??
Monday, 16-May-11 13:25:32 UTC from web- delete_ likes this.
- I enjoy this short segment's audio far faaaar more than I probably should. !pinkieism
Sunday, 08-May-11 22:16:43 UTC from web -
Are we talking about favorite ponies? Mine's Pinkie Pie! !Pinkieism
Sunday, 08-May-11 17:46:20 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker Oh! Yes, we are. The Canary Islands ARE in the middle of the Atlantic. But a Mid-Atlantic dialect is a mix between British and American accents. I see the confusion!
@carcinopony Wikipedia says because you didn't go to a boarding school in the 60s.
@thelastgherkin awww man.
!pinkieism yes, this one
Wednesday, 04-May-11 16:58:42 UTC from web -
!pinkieism by Celestia, I havent joined this group yet ? * fixes problem* I got Pinkie Pie back as personality test answer for fudge's sake
Wednesday, 04-May-11 16:57:57 UTC from web-
@critialcloudkicker WOOT :D
It's fun being the admin for DA's !pinkieism group! Today I found out that a guy who's been watching the group since early April has never actually watched My Little Pony. #whatisthisIdonteven
Wednesday, 04-May-11 16:54:40 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin LOLWUT
@thewolverine It's true! Guy says: "i guess i should watch whatever show this is about before i submit or join here (of course i cant be bothered to watch the show) :P" and I'm like what the heck guy
@thelastgherkin LOL, I see it XD Really, why join a group if you have no idea what the hell it's for?
After yesterday's episode, I couldn't help but join !pinkieism
Saturday, 30-Apr-11 14:20:40 UTC from web-
@elusivemrmadden Good morning
@elusivemrmadden Lucky. I've had a tornado warning for the past 2 days.
@tdtwix Yeah, the weather is nice now, but Wednesday night into Thursday morning we had a tornado warning