Virginia Tech
http://pomf-loak.tumblr.com/Hey, my name is Eric. I'm a college student, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I love to play DDR/ITG, I watch a lot of anime, and I am proud to be a brony!
More details...Eric (loak)
@redenchilada That might be a problem.
@kyosukekosaka Do you know how expensive it is to fly that far? Maybe if I go to Anime Expo or something in the next few years.
@redenchilada Eww why bursts? Just play something with streams or something. We Killed the Rave is one of my favorite 11s. @kyosukekosaka Eventually. (I have no idea.)
@redenchilada @thelastgherkin @kyosukekosaka I still talk to Starshine every now and then. He's on twitter and skype.
@kyosukekosaka Where's the party at? @thelastgherkin I'm delicious @redenchilada Charlene. Easiest 11. Or play Crazy Loop.
@kyosukekosaka Welp, I'm getting better so I guess that's a good thing, right?
@rotation Eww, I don't eat hot dogs. They taste like death and sadness. @redenchilada https://www.dropbox.com/s/6yhqiri117pfdgc/Loak%20SNaPS%20II.rar Get it qurl @mushi Cool? Me? Eh, not a whole lot. Mostly just ITG and schoolwork. @kyosukekosaka Well actually I'm still an RA. Woop woop summer classes. @thelastgherkin NO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
@kyosukekosaka Hello @rotation Eww mustard. @mushi Indeed, it's been a while @redenchilada Go download my 2nd simfile pack fool. It's been too long buddy :)
@thelastgherkin @kyosukekosaka @rotation Sup
@anarchycarcino Huh, what was that?
@redenchilada I don't even know. That's why I asked.
@redenchilada What did you do this time?
@anarchycarcino Teen drinking is very very very bad.
@anarchycarcino Good song. One of the earliest MLP remixes I can remember.
@anarchycarcino That's funny.
@bitshift Soramimi Cake (Although Raspberry Heaven is also super catchy). I just love Masumi Itou's voice.
@nerthos Only when she's drunk
@nerthos I'm an excellent driver thank you very much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhOXV5lsluQ
@bitshift YO that's a tough one. The Azumanga girls are all amazing in their own way. I always have trouble putting them in any order. My friends often compare me to Yukari-sensei.
@anarchycarcino :'(
@mrdragon I want pizza :(
@nerthos That's hot.
@nerthos Stop?
@anarchycarcino You flatter me.
@anarchycarcino You're welcome.