Group actions
!princesslunafans lunafans plf plfans
For all fans of Princess Luna!
Princess Luna Fans (princesslunafans) group
alright now !applejack !pinkieism !pinkiepie !fluttershy !rainbowdash !rarity !twilightfans !twilightsparkle !scootaloo !braeburn !spitfire !celestiafanclub !princesslunafans !luna !trixie !pipsqueakfans !snailsfans more soon
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:21:17 UTC from web -
@luna4life !followersofnightmarenight !lunaarmy !princesslunafans !nmr !newlunarrepublic !moonstuck !luna !lunarrepublic some luna groups for you!
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 04:57:41 UTC from web -
There's a !luna group now? Kay. #instantjoin ... Wait, there's ALSO !lunafans ... Oh my..
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 01:41:05 UTC from web- Jake likes this.
@minti SO. MUCH. GROUPS.
@minti I'd rather be a follower of Luna instead of Celestia since I'm a pony who's mostly up during the night
@richardedbrony Ditto.
lol there's two luna fan groups this !luna group & !princesslunafans group xD
Thursday, 09-Feb-12 01:32:50 UTC from web-
@lyokotravels lol
@lyokotravels The fun HAS been doubled! :D
join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zimzap YES!!!
This is partly just a test, but also because the !princesslunafans group seriously needs some love, here. *pout*
Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 03:33:15 UTC from web-
@astra HUGS perhaps?
@stumperman07 Yes, I'm sure the !princesslunafans could use some !hugs too.
!princesslunafans has 66 members. WE NEED MOAR.
Friday, 01-Jul-11 08:01:04 UTC from web-
@moonprincess !princesslunafans 67 now ;)
- aahhh this! I really really hope there's more of this cuteness is season 2. !plf
Thursday, 12-May-11 09:51:03 UTC from web -
Woo, fixed the logo! !plf
Tuesday, 10-May-11 22:17:39 UTC from web -
It is definitely not my browser screwing up. The !plf group picture is broken. ((tears)) @moonprincess
Monday, 25-Apr-11 21:09:51 UTC from web-
@libbylishly Oh, just realized that. Damn. Lemme fix it. !plf
!princesslunafans desperately needs an icon that is not a lot of text. Luna is neglected. :( @moonprincess Of course, it might just be my browser screwing up...
Monday, 25-Apr-11 18:24:24 UTC from web -
Everyone should join !princesslunafans . Then we can take over the world with amazing moon powe - uh. Friendship.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 15:40:24 UTC from web-
@moonprincess How can I *not* be a member of that group? ;)
!princesslunafans has 21 members! #flutteryay
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 19:35:42 UTC from web -
!princesslunafans What ideas do you have for the episode(s) I'll be appearing in in season 2? I've also added plf, plfans, and lunafans to our aliases, so you don't have to type it out every time :)
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:23:25 UTC from web -
@rainbowdashmod #ooc I'm sorry ;A; Oh, and use # for tags such as the OOC one, and ! for groups, like so !princesslunafans
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 05:18:52 UTC from web