!!RainbowDash (rainbowdashmod)
Time for my nightly song and dance, the 'DOES ANYONE NEED ANYTHING ON PONYCHAN BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP' post! /confetti
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 07:12:16 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash I wish. D:
@dbigponymac Yeah, plane cheerios. Not even Honey nut. :[
@dbigponymac All I have is boring cheerios. :[
Time for my daily and obligatory 'check RDN right before I go to bed' routine. Anypony need anything ponychan related?
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 07:26:40 UTC from web -
@aeniug2 Well, I took an 'Introduction to Religious Studies' class in college, but I DOUBT I know enough to help you. So yeah, no.
Blegh, I'm SO sleepy. Anyone need help with anything ponychan related, before I hit the hay?
!!RainbowDash: Banning raiders and deleting spam since 2/17/11.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:06:06 UTC from web -
@twilightmod fail link is fail. GG
@zarkanorf We're the mods at ponychan, we've decided to set up accounts here
@crazyredemu c/v,zm,/m.czvzcvx,m/.
@moonprincess but that sounds haaaaard. D:
Blegh, I'm new to the whole twitter thing. Anypony care to explain the basics, and whatnot?