Byron, WY
You can find me on UKofEquestria.co.uk as the name of Rainlight Sparkledash. I like to do sports and play video games. My birthday is Oct. 3. I am a pretty good artist, so if you want something for me to draw, just email me at dschuhmacher.turner@gmail.com. And my gamertag on PSN (ps3) and Xbox Live (xbox one) is BubbaNighthawk.
More details...Bubba Lewi Nighthawk (rainlightsparkledash)
I have not posted anything for a long time. anyone remember i am here?
Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 03:52:23 UTC from web -
@rainlightsparkledash Destiny? Watch Dogs? Battlefield?
@marshallshining What are others you got?
@keatslocksley what games do you have for ps3
@keatslocksley i have a ps3. are you on that?
Anyone have anything interesting to talk about?
Monday, 08-Dec-14 18:21:28 UTC from web -
@northernnarwhal sure
@ceruleanspark cool. im also barely into the game. i just got it for my birthday. then got grouned from my ps3 for a while.
@ceruleanspark I have a hunter and a warlock. but i am a little farther in the warlock.
@ceruleanspark what do you mean?
@ceruleanspark cool. then i can play multiplayer.
@ceruleanspark ok. is there a length into the game you have to be to unlock multiplayer?
@ceruleanspark BubbaNighthawk Also i havent played Destiny in a while so ill have to get used to it again.
@ceruleanspark sure. im on over the weekends cause i have school which i am in right now.
@maliciousadvice Destiny the game on ps3.
@ceruleanspark ps3
@ceruleanspark what do you mean?
@keatslocksley i just got Destiny
@bananafaceman it may be easier for you to search me. BubbaNighthawk. also what games do you got?
@mrmattimation lol
@mrmattimation im just thinking they are good ideas
@mrmattimation why were you wondering?
@mrmattimation why do you ask?
@mrmattimation me
@n1ghtsword What are you implying?
@thelastgherkin i dont like bobs burgers
@broniebrown kinda figured.
@broniebrown what about luna then?
@meloetta well then......