Bubba Lewi Nighthawk's home timeline


  1. just started watching my little pony this week. looking through all of the old forums is like looking through a museum of ancient artifacts (/j)
    all of the abandoned accounts, all of the creations made with such love, never to be updated on. it makes me wonder where they all are now.
    but you guys are still here sorta! what have you guys been doing? (keep it sfw please, im a minor)

    about 7 hours ago from web
    • @grim People like new things. People get bored. People go on. People's lives change unexpectedly. The MLP G4 hype is over for a long time and the stories of Maretime Bay (G5?) don't grab as much attention. The media landscape has also changed as the general audience's taste. I've been in many forums that just fizzle out and essentially die due to inactivity. Sometimes there is a hard core of people that keep things going.
      I read the MLP comics and watch the new stuff. I have stopped engaging by seeking out discussions and creating fan art. I ain't time for that anymore.
      I'm here just to hang out and rant about my life.

      about 2 hours ago in context
  2. I have now lost $250 due to one incompetent phlebotomist

    about 5 days ago from web
  3. helo skye

    about 5 days ago from web
  4. For example, look at the humble Cone: https://youtu.be/Mkn3PzdaByY?feature=shared

    about 6 days ago from web
    • @scribus I'm often stumped by the simple cross-section of a circle. Every time I saw off a thick branch or root I think that isn't that bad until I reach the middle, where it's suddenly harder to move material.

      about 6 days ago in context
  5. No matter how much earth I buy it gets used up faster than imagined. The earth of my raised beds settled and I wanted to top off.

    about 6 days ago from web
    • @adiwan 3D volume is such a hassle to math out mentally

      about 6 days ago in context
    • @scribus It's worse because when spreading out the earth it gets uncompressed and gains volume, giving the false impression it might be enough. The sacks I bought last time contained very coarse compost and over time everything sank down. This time This time I bought finer grained earth, special for tomatoes,

      about 6 days ago in context
  6. Trump is gonna spend the whole debate calling Joe Biden mean nicknames like Sleepy Joe and everyone’s gonna think it’s really shocking and whatever and then Biden’s gonna call Trump a slur 40 minutes in and people aren’t gonna know what to do

    about 8 days ago from web
  7. Buddy of mine has a 30lb/13.6kilo alligator defrosting in the fridge rn, with plans to smoke it all day today. It's curled up tail-to-nose and takes half the fridge. He has yet to figure out how he's fitting it in the smoker.

    about 9 days ago from web
    • @scribus Sounds like a job in multiple turns. I don't think doing such a thing in one go with standard equipment is possible. One has to need to use a smoking chamber of a butcher.

      about 8 days ago in context
  8. I guess people like to complain. I watched all the "The Acolyte" episodes and I thought it was not bad. The show is about slowly revealing the truth of a story from different perspectives with misdirections that are confusing without more information. Some people are stuck in a narrow mindset of what they expect from Star Wars that cannot be achieved. I get it that mystery plots can be very frustrating but I think it's not warranted yet to completely lose one's papaya. So far "Book of Boba Fett" has done more wrong in three episodes than this.

    about 13 days ago from web
  9. Ha. Hahaha. Ha. Of course, of course.... I finally have a solid "maybe" on some part-time work, and they want me to install an app. It installs, but errors out during account creation. My old-ass device, or their bad backend? The world may never know.

    about 14 days ago from web
  10. Thinking of the viability of a D&D adventure about a ghost crab with the title: The crustacean apparition.

    about 16 days ago from web
  11. bro this site is dead there's only like 3 people

    about 23 days ago from web
  12. Hell, while we're on it - keep MY grandfather away from power, because he's dead and that sounds like necromancy. That's how you get a lich! Do you want a lich?! Is that what you want???

    about a month ago from web
  13. "Monsters at Work" season two is for all children above 0 years, however it's way too real for adults.

    about a month ago from web
  14. It finally happened. I got replaced in my job (english instruct9r at a kumon school) by the boss' 18 yo son

    about a month ago from web
  15. Adam Corolla's new series "Mr. Birchum" is the worst Family Guy clone not because of its right-wing politics, but because despite advertising itself as "the show the LEFT doesn't want you to see!!!!", and "too OFFENSIVE and ANTI-WOKE for mainstream television", the show itself is so tame and inoffensive that I'm left wondering if it was a retooled daytime Cartoon Network pitch that didn't get picked up or something

    about a month ago from web
    • @zeldatra Can it really be worse than Paradise PD on Netflix? I was instantly disgusted by Paradise PD. Also I never heard or Mr. Birchum. Just the name of the show sounds like a show about a family in a box standard suburb and Mr Birchum is the mostly clueless but well-meaning man with emotional and communication problems towards his family.

      about a month ago in context
    • @adiwan I laughed at like one joke in Paradise PD which is more than the zero in the two episodes of Mr. Birchum that you can currently watch (on Ben Shapiro’s website, which I TOTALLY paid for and DIDN’T find it somewhere else illegally). It’s about a wood shop teacher (apparently it’s a character Adam Corolla played in his standup sets back in the 90s?) who’s upset about “kids these days” and is constantly antagonized by a caricature of a 2012 Tumblr SJW. He’s a lot like Hank Hill, except that unlike Hank he doesn’t grow at the end of the episode because the show portrays his “kids these days” mindset as the correct mindset. The first episode has him conscripting his students to do unpaid labor in his house and the SJW character is portrayed as being in the wrong for trying to get him fired over it.

      about a month ago in context
    • @zeldatra WTF. Misuse of his authority... And that isn't bad!?!? Oof.

      about a month ago in context
  16. Got a flyer from the extreme right wing political party Alternative für Deutschland (AFD) (Alternative for Germany). It's disgusting what they demand like harsh deportations. There are many points that even contradict. "We want to strengthen the EU" and then "We want to get back to national currencies and weaken the EU parliament to the point it's even less effective than a paperweight made out of one sheet of paper.". Getting rid of the elements that bind the Union together is quite the opposite. Also they want to get rid of taxes. Between the lines they believe in trickle down economics. What a bunch of racist clowns.

    about a month ago from web
    • @adiwan The flyer was in my mailbox because of the EU parliament election. Also I got my election papers informing me where I have to vote or how to get the by-mail-voting arranged. The voting booth is in another Elementary School than I'm used to, although not living that far away. Gonna have to find out where it's located and such.

      about a month ago in context
    • @adiwan I got one of these from my Republican neighbor who was running for local office but was refusing to state his political affiliation because my district was like Biden+20 or something like that. He encouraged me to contact him so I sent him an email about his frankly horrific and cartoonishly evil platform. I never received a response and now I get dirty looks when he sees me walk down the street.

      about a month ago in context
    • @zeldatra It's sad that US politics is so extremely polarized for so long that only two parties are "viable" for voting. I don't know but maybe he was leaning towards Republican because of some topics that were OK but was ignoring the horrible other stuff and rationalized them away.

      about a month ago in context
  17. I mean for real though anything else would be considered incomplete at best in this kind of state, piracy is not a "crime" if releasing broken garbage is a "business"

    about a month ago from web
    • @scribus The only sane way to enjoy games is to wait until it's on sale. Up to that point most bugs have been squashed and cheap enough to buy two or more games for the price of one new game. I just bought myself Return To Monkey Island. I'm hesitating on buying Metal Wolf Chaos XD. I tried the original on my hacked XBox (copied to the HDD) but the cutscenes stuttered horribly.

      about a month ago in context
    • @adiwan That's why I waited 22 years to even try Everquest!

      about a month ago in context
    • @scribus I waited years for the release of the sequel of my most favorite game, Simon The Sorcerer 2, which was Simon The Sorcerer 3D. When it eventually released it was a MESS. Everything that could be wrong was wrong, from the graphics, the controls, the performance, story, bugs at every corner... I was heartbroken when I was reading the reviews in the magazines. It took years until I was brave enough to face it, when I got the full version with the add-in CD from a PC gaming magazine. Even patched it was still a sewer system worth of kiwi. The 4th and 5th installment of Simon The Sorcerer were better but were soulless imitations of the first two.

      about a month ago in context
  18. Bought myself two "chocolate" tomato plants. I'm curious if they really taste chocolatey. Gonna have to wait a few months.

    about a month ago from web
  19. With Lost Judgment (finally) beaten, that is every single mainline Yakuza game under my belt. I started Yakuza Kiwami around this time in 2023, so I’ve been at it for about a year. …what do I do now?

    about 2 months ago from web
  20. It sucks that The Bad Batch is over. Great finale.

    about 2 months ago from web
  21. Damn my computer cost way more to fix than I had hoped

    about 2 months ago from web
    • @scribus PC parts costs are really out of whack! I wanted to upgrade my PC 4 years ago and I'm still limping on with my 2017 old rust bucket. The same holds true with my deteriorating laptop. Even used prices aren't what they used to.

      about 2 months ago in context
  22. All of Ijincho only has one school and it’s a private high school, it’s no wonder everybody in town is either a yakuza, a triad, or homeless

    about 2 months ago from web
    • zapphire likes this.
    • @zeldatra See what happens when you devalue public education, Larry? THIS is WHAT happens WHEN YOU devalue PUBLIC EDUCATION, Larry!! Do you see what happens? Do you see, Larry??

      about 2 months ago in context
      Matt likes this.
    • @scribus unironically the dumbest person in The Big Lebowski probably was better educated than any single person in Ijincho is since according to Lost Judgment nobody at this high school actually attends any classes ever. They’re attending dance club, or reading mystery novels in a boiler room, or painting themselves to look like body models and hiding in classrooms for days at a time to steal test answers, or plotting murders, or getting beat up by me on the streets miles away from the school, but nobody’s learning, I guarantee you that

      about 2 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra It's a school for school delinquents. It's part of their curriculum to not attend school.

      about 2 months ago in context
  23. Well I found out tonight that salmon skin is actually friggin delicious and I may have been wasting so much nom-nom

    about 2 months ago from web
    • Show all 4 replies
    • @adiwan Ever had a baked potato that turned out to have grown around a nice rock? Likewise an unpleasant crunch surprise.

      about 2 months ago in context
    • @scribus Ooooof.... That is a very nasty surprise. I had something similarly unpleasant: My mother uses a casserole dish made out of glass and one day there were glass chunks in the food. It turned out that due to wear the inner edge of the lid and the dish got so damaged that they eventually broke off. Only in hindsight it was obvious what happened. I got some of the glass pieces but luckily I noticed it very quickly in my mouth and nothing happened to anyone. We threw out both the casserole dish and the food.

      about 2 months ago in context
    • @adiwan Ooh, that is brutal, damn good luck on that outcome

      about 2 months ago in context
  24. hellooooo

    about 3 months ago from web
  25. I'm using a faux leather case with a cover flap for my Blackberry KeyOne and today it broke after 6 years of use. The plastic part that holds the phone separated from the faux leather cover. Luckily a little bit of strong and flexible glue fixed it. I only had to scrub off the old and hardened glue beforehand. It's a sign that I need to look for a new smartphone, alongside the rather poor and aging battery.

    about 3 months ago from web
    • @adiwan My not-leather KeyOne case is mostly still together, but I've had to glue 2 or 3 keys back onto the phone, and my battery is probably no better than yours. Anything with a real keyboard available in Europe still?

      about 3 months ago in context
    • @scribus Sadly no. I'm occasionally looking for keyboard smartphones but they are an extinct breed. More extinct than phones with a headphone jack and with no stupid front camera notches or punch holes. I had a OnePlus Nord N30 on my radar until I saw the stupid punch hole and no OS feature updates (only 2 years of security updates). Also finding a decent-ish phone under 400€ AND that is satisfying my requirements is practically impossible for me.

      about 3 months ago in context
  26. So I guess Biden declared today to be the day that all trans people rise from their graves or something?

    about 3 months ago from web
  27. Planted tomato and jalapeño seeds into some planters I bought today. 12 tomato, 8 jalapeño. I bet not everything will survive but I will see who will win the battle royale, not the Fortnite kind, the Beat Takeshi kind.

    about 3 months ago from web
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    • @scribus It probably will. These species are of the generic and common kind. I think that they will survive and give me headaches when they outgrow their pots and spots where they are currently standing. If they all grow it'll be fine, even when they die I won't be sad. I see it as my dry run if I'm capable of taking care of them. My plan was to have a green house next year and plant a bunch of old and uncommon tomato species: yellow pear-shaped, deep purple, some with tiger stripes, some elongated egg-shaped, and other weird ones.

      about 3 months ago in context
    • @adiwan I recommend the Black Krim tomato, when that time comes. Good stuff.

      about 3 months ago in context
    • @scribus Duly noted. The reports look promising so far when it comes to being an uncomplicated and tasty tomato. The plant grows up to 180cm and has super heavy fruits. The infrastructure to keep them up has to be built first for this mammoth. Up to 350g per tomato is crazy.

      about 3 months ago in context
  28. I was doing some garden work today. Within an hour or two I managed to fill up the trash can for all the biodegradable garbage. I have to wait two weeks in order to continue cutting down the bushes. The weather will be bad anyway in the coming days, so I wouldn't do gardening anyway. If I am at the same point next time I'll probably have to ask a neighbor for using their trash can capacity.

    about 3 months ago from web
    • @adiwan Any way to get issued another one? Especially if you'll need to be doing a lot of work often.

      about 3 months ago in context
    • @scribus I could get a bigger one but the monthly costs are way higher. 120L (the one I have) costs 15€ a month and the next size up would be two of them for double the price. In average I overpay for the size I use. In Winter I barely used 1/5th of the capacity. From May to November the pickup frequency increases from once every two weeks to once a week. That will do basically the same without paying more. In this regard I have to wait a month. Being patient.

      about 3 months ago in context
  29. There is a ton of talk from boomers that millenials and genz are social garbage. Yesterday I saw a pair of self-entitled 70-80 year olds (man and wife) packing out their shopping cart at a closed checkout line while the super market was clearly understaffed AND were demanding another checkout line to be opened and then saying (more to themselves) that they will go without paying.

    about 3 months ago from web
  30. 20 minutes later it is fixed. I fixed it temporarily with a zip tie and went to the hardware store to get the right screws and nuts. Obviously I bought more than I actually needed to fix that. What I learned is that I don't have enough screws and nuts.

    about 3 months ago from web