Southampton, Hampshire, England
http://marshallshining.tumblr.com/1500 words is not enough... I'm a book of death, war and other depressing stuff, Now we gonna game or not?
More details...Marshall Arthur Shining (marshallshining)
Alright Guys, Another mini-update, I have my account back, but am limited to on disc games for 6 months :'( However, I am up to play, So Yay, add me on PSN (PS3 only): MarshallShin_ing BUT If i find out you hack me, just as the brony known as "rein_bow_dash" did, I will eat your soul, for lunch! Alongside My Tea and Crumpets! ^^
Saturday, 04-Apr-15 14:34:20 UTC from web -
@tiffany Hello,
@welcomepony Thanks Bot
Name: Marshall Shining
PSN: MarshallShin_ing
Games: CoD and MC, and a few others...
Bio: Gamer Brony
Notes: Lets Play