Vinyl Fans (vinyl) group
a vinyl scratch drawing i did i while backThursday, 21-May-15 17:23:52 UTC from web-
@shadetheunicorn Cute!
@ceruleanspark thanks!
hi im new here
i have no idea how this site works.Thursday, 21-May-15 15:56:54 UTC from web-
@tiffany it forced me to get my real name on it
i dont get it -
@shadetheunicorn Well, I have two accounts with two totally different names
@tiffany i think thats why Facebook forces people to give real names
they probably have too many users
Glad I got this !Vinyl Scratch Print at my brony meetup today :)
Monday, 10-Sep-12 05:16:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels very nice
Glad I got a !Vinyl Scratch iPod Case at Everfree NW :)
Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 06:00:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyrica I've been meaning to see about getting a customized back cover for my Galaxy. Don't want to go the case route, though, that adds bulk which I don't want.
@redenchilada understandable
@omni This is, honestly, one of the biggest reasons why I wouldn't want to use a phone where the body is a single piece of metal/plastic/whatever - I know I'm clumsy, and having a part (generally the back cover) that can separate from the rest does a heck of a lot to disperse force that would otherwise damage the body of the phone.
Ponystock '12 poster with !RainbowDash on it.
Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 05:12:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels Yup!
@lyokotravels time to pull out my best quick vinyl ink pen drawing
@xvinylscratchx here's another one I did. With markers. !Vinyl
I have the best English Notebook lol !Vinyl
Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 05:39:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels i want that notebook
@xvinylscratchx I made that myself... its' not had. me being an artist....
@lyokotravels hard*
Finally signed my !Vinyl drawing I did a couple days ago
Friday, 13-Jul-12 02:06:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels That's Cool!!!
@blues4th I got more at my deviantart :
#LyokoTravelsDailyDrawings Finally done. !Vinyl Scratch w/ BASS CANNON!
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 05:56:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@scribus If I were a pony DJ I'd have a cannon that shot out fish.
Micheal Schlongcoptor likes this. -
@scribus bass in "WubWubWub"
@redenchilada It would certainly spice up the show.
Work in progress ... !vinyl
Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 01:25:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels that is cool
@princesstrixie hmm.. I'll think about that...
Done! !Vinyl Scratch #LyokoTravelsDailyPonyDrawings
Monday, 09-Jul-12 08:03:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Also I drew another !Vinyl Scratch today.
Friday, 06-Jul-12 03:01:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone- whats a name? likes this.
@lyokotravels nice
!Vinyl Scratch Drawing.
Thursday, 05-Jul-12 06:27:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Also I drew this today. I was bored ( there's more ) !Vinyl
Thursday, 05-Jul-12 06:24:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels Cool :P
Thursday, 21-Jun-12 07:50:35 UTC from web
!vinyl scratch I drew this
Thursday, 07-Jun-12 10:02:52 UTC from web -
My flash drive icon is !Vinyl Scratch :3
Monday, 04-Jun-12 06:40:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
My !Wonderbolts shirt came in the mail today :D
Tuesday, 29-May-12 03:16:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels ... That had better not be vinyl in that waifu pic... SHES MINE.
@techdisk42 well you can't beat my BRONY friend that gone to WonderCon to get a !Vinyl Scratch Sketch ... See ; and he goes to all of the BronyCon Conventions also.
@lyokotravels Well... I already "claimed" vinyl. She can tell you after she stops hitting me with records for saying "claimed".
!Vinyl Scratch commission I from my BRONY fanime meetup
Tuesday, 29-May-12 02:25:09 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels *squee* Vinyl! :3
Hey #Everypony I'm back
Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:44:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@toolmanhamm Right back at ya friend :D
@noirbatch i also like background pick!!!
@toolmanhamm Why thank you ^_^
Also got this Luna & !Vinyl Poster ! At my bony meetup :D
Sunday, 29-Apr-12 07:59:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@lyokotravels brony* !derp
@lyokotravels :O SO AWESOME!!
My !Vinyl Scratch drawing is now up on my DeviantART account !
Thursday, 26-Apr-12 03:11:03 UTC from web -
My progress on my !Vinyl Scratch Drawing !
Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 04:06:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone- Seth Edwards likes this.
@lyokotravels YES!
@lyokotravels Nice!
!Vinyl Epic Wub Time !
Monday, 23-Apr-12 03:59:32 UTC from web -
Downloading more !Vinyl Scratch Wallapers :D
Thursday, 19-Apr-12 04:10:05 UTC from web-
@renovatedkitchen woo 1.8GB file :O .. well thanks @pony :D
@lyokotravels I know! And its all sorted. If I didn't know better I would assume he was a Buddhist monk at one point of his life.
@renovatedkitchen oh.
Once Upon a time there was a DJ named !Vinyl Scratch, everyday she spin records round and round till the music started playing, The End?
Saturday, 14-Apr-12 02:11:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
working on a !Vinyl Scratch Drawing right now ! ^^
Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 02:27:49 UTC from web -
Hey #Everypony I'm back ...
Wednesday, 11-Apr-12 02:16:39 UTC from web-
@noirbatchim working on a !Vinyl Scratch Drawing right now :3
@noirbatch working on a !Vinyl Scratch Drawing right now :3
@lyokotravels AWESOME!
also lol I'm posting in !Vinyl group a lot xD
Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 06:40:21 UTC from web -
I have a strange feeling to draw more !Vinyl Scratch artwork now and it's 11:12PM ...
Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 06:12:17 UTC from web -
#REDASH @lyokotravels !Vinyl Scratch has been doubled ! ( right side drawing : Old , Left : Current : still in progress )
Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 06:08:39 UTC from web