Group actions

The Derps

The Derps

!derp derped derping durr


We derp. And do odd stuff. Nothing wrong with that. And if you think there is something wrong with that, I'll kill you, just to let you know.

The Derps (derp) group


  1. Does anyone remember when pretty much everyone on RDN said everypony and stuff like that? And when I was being overly obnoxious as @spacecore and when I made !derp? And when so many people were still here and they hadn't left or gotten banned? Yeah, me neither.

    Monday, 10-Sep-12 03:31:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. @toolmanhamm like?

    Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 05:05:51 UTC from web
  3. Hey # I'm back

    Sunday, 12-Aug-12 03:30:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  4. oh !derp

    Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 01:19:47 UTC from web
    • Hey # i'm back from my bronty meetup and it's now 12:07AM...

      Monday, 30-Jul-12 07:08:01 UTC from web
    • Sleep isn't an option for me.... I forgot my room key (#) inside the room. Ugh.

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:08:17 UTC from web
    • Howdy everypony! ^-^ Both work and school were bummers today... plus, I just got these /massive/ blood blisters from playing basketball barefoot. D:

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 02:11:11 UTC from web
    • I'm bored .... Time to play my Train Simulator ...

      Thursday, 21-Jun-12 06:01:17 UTC from web
    • whats goin onm up in RDN?

      Tuesday, 19-Jun-12 03:28:38 UTC from web
    • I also have a IRL !DERP SIGN NOW :3

      Tuesday, 29-May-12 02:30:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • !derp

        Wednesday, 23-May-12 02:18:34 UTC from web
        • @lyokotravels Hooray, you've posted 33 notices today!

          Friday, 18-May-12 08:05:15 UTC from plot
        • Also !derp

          Friday, 18-May-12 08:04:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Good evening ponies.

            Thursday, 17-May-12 03:52:20 UTC from web
          • Note to self same money and buy more Visa Gift Cards this summer ...

            Wednesday, 16-May-12 08:56:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Hey # I'm back :D

            Friday, 11-May-12 23:41:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • !DERP

            Friday, 11-May-12 23:51:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • @lyokotravels Why are you gonna be wearing a sign to advertise yourself? a name badge or something might work mote efficiently.

              Friday, 11-May-12 06:23:33 UTC from web
            • !derp

              Thursday, 10-May-12 04:52:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • derp derp derp.......

                Wednesday, 09-May-12 04:26:39 UTC from web
              • DeRpDeRpDeRp!!!

                Wednesday, 09-May-12 02:42:41 UTC from web
              • I'm going home. Lather then.

                Tuesday, 08-May-12 07:45:25 UTC from web
              • @lyokotravels AWESOME!!!!

                Tuesday, 08-May-12 03:50:29 UTC from web
              • I'll be back, time to watch some episodes and puny videos to cheer me up.

                Saturday, 05-May-12 04:14:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • Someday I'll go to BroNYCon according to my Parents all expense paid :) hehe good thigh I was smart enough to make a deal with my parents

                Saturday, 05-May-12 03:56:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • I'm on RDN and still the most active pony in this room. What is wrng with everyone?

                Thursday, 03-May-12 07:17:29 UTC from web
              • lol, i love early mornings :) 12:00AM ftw!

                Thursday, 03-May-12 04:25:44 UTC from web
              • Also got this Luna & !Vinyl Poster ! At my bony meetup :D

                Sunday, 29-Apr-12 07:59:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • @greydragon412 It's going alright :3 How's it going for you and @lyokotravels?

                Saturday, 28-Apr-12 10:34:05 UTC from web
              • @woona I souls be in bed by now .. *hint hint* I live in California.

                Saturday, 28-Apr-12 10:06:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone