https://broternal.wordpress.comIf you are reading this I have already gone to basic for the marines in San Diego. See ya around!
More details...Robert (joker)
@joker Who doesn't love guys I mean what
Wow, we'll apparently someone up there loves me cause now my ship date to marine corps boot camp is feb 4 or next Monday, this will most likely be my last time on RDN, So take care!
MMC air date feb 16. My ship date Feb 11. .... I'm gunna sulk in the corner now.
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 21:08:23 UTC from web -
@renovatedkitchen alright that's it! I'm going to bobs place Atleast his kitchen isn't such a prissy ding dong.
@renovatedkitchen I hope you get termites
@renovatedkitchen but what about when I let my dog go on your front lawn and NOT pick it up!
@renovatedkitchen until your arch nemisis renovated living room comes along and kidnaps your renovated bathroom
@renovatedkitchen you win this time, but only because you are an inanimate space in a home.
@renovatedkitchen you persnickety kitchen I hope your drain clogs
@renovatedkitchen fine more for me
@renovatedkitchen yeah they are you can wait till they are melted then drink them Popsicles and ice cream
@renovatedkitchen Popsicles, ice cream, cold treats
@renovatedkitchen you know because your still a kitchen, kitchen
@renovatedkitchen or like the freezer in you which I use to get ice and cold beverages
@vt3c i used to have one!
Why are my hands always cold?
Well I'm off for now, but I promise to make these last precious days together special, see ya real soon RDN.
@kingoderps moo
@boltaction haha high school sucks, when I get out of basic I will be born again
Ill get over it,
Wednesday, 16-Jan-13 02:55:24 UTC from web -
@boltaction and basic will be even harder if I don't see the finale!
@boltaction the only one that matters marines
@nerthos marine corps San Diego,
@nerthos I have four Saturdays left until basic training, oh I don't think I'm gunna see it.
@electroidfire I'm pretty sure I can't walk up to the drill instructor and ask for my personal TV time, you know move a recliner next to my rack?
Oh no, I don't know if ill be able to see the season finale before I leave! This is the worst possible thing!
@widget i will be leaving for basic soon so, no more RDN
@widget did I break something?
@widget nothing's wrong? You mean technically?