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!haventreadit notyet whatsfoe
For all those ponies who are constantly faced with references to that particular fic, having to shamefully say "I haven't read it"
No, I haven't read FO:E yet (haventreadit) group
Anyone else read FoE?
Wednesday, 12-Nov-14 05:14:06 UTC from web-
@nerthos grapes... I had a feeling I shouldn't have said that..
Finally finished FO:E after like two months. Yay.
Sunday, 01-Jun-14 08:00:05 UTC from web-
@thisisntgonnabegood Congrats. As for me, !notyet.
Okay. I have a question to those who occupy this room at the moment: Have any of you read Fallout: Equestria?
Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 07:32:16 UTC from web-
@clayinthecarpet !haventreadit and probably wont until I'm in a better place in life and have more time.
@pony That's fine, man. Just curious if anyone here had. I had some critique to request.
@clayinthecarpet I like how there's a group for those who haven't read it.
Monday, 13-Jan-14 06:59:39 UTC from web
@redenchilada I haven't even noticed her being hyped at all. D:
@vt3c Tip of the iceberg.
@vt3c I got hooked real easily, probably helps that I love the Fallout universe as a story in general.
How's the pony network today then.
Monday, 18-Nov-13 02:55:27 UTC from web-
@awlderpy I presume it's not necessary to play them to understand the third game then.
@yodelerty Neh; first game takes place in California after the war, 2nd game takes place 80 years after the second game. FO3 takes place in the DC area after the war.
@awlderpy Coolio. I'll play.. at some point. Probably. Maybe.
You know fallout equestria? That story made me buy fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3. I read the story before i played the game.
Sunday, 03-Feb-13 23:37:16 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Good man.
@nerthos Gracias.
@yodelerty !haventreadit *high hoof*
Is it wrong that I hate 80% of bronies?
Thursday, 13-Jun-13 00:13:53 UTC from web-
@nerthos I don't think you even understand what nationalism is. It's more than a form of goverment. It is a mindset of a nation
@critialcloudkicker I converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from SGA Buddhism. I still consider myself buddhist in many ways though.
@diamonddash And that's where I'm going. The mindset is what causes the nation to clash with others and eventually cause many other nations to band together against them.
Yhan frrf nyy lbhe qernzf. Lrf, rira GUNG bar.
Monday, 10-Dec-12 12:52:28 UTC from web -
The first aid and doctor skills should exist in new Fallout games.
Monday, 19-Nov-12 11:19:10 UTC from web-
@nerthos They should bring back Toaster Repair as a skill from the original Wasteland games.
@ceruleanspark Honestly, I don't know. I'm the admin for the !haventreadit group.
@ceruleanspark Totally. Skill lists are too simplified nowadays, forgetting basic things.
I've decided to start a fimfiction reading group on RDN. So far I've got lolreading and lolfimfics as possible names.. SUGGESTIONS?
Thursday, 30-Aug-12 00:30:47 UTC from web-
@tekkdan its on there facebook page. You can put an order in but they wait till they can "buy in bulk" from the presses. #lastiheard
@firestormdangerdash So they wait until they have enough orders to ship them out? As long as their still making copies, that doesn't matter to me. How much does an order cost anyway? Might as well ask since I'm clueless about it.
Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 11:36:50 UTC from web
i like when the ocs are white,that makes colouring them so easy
Thursday, 31-May-12 00:36:45 UTC from web- Seth Edwards likes this.
@eaglehooves basically, the only difference between pony mushi and irl mushi is that the pony is green and is better with girls. i dont think i'd have courage to get close to twilight if i had a chance irl xD
@mushi I keep meaning to write him an interesting story, then get distracted.
@eaglehooves eagle story? I could write mushi a story, but my headcanons are not consistent enough
Woo! Fallout Equestria is awesome, halfway through chapter 13 so far
Friday, 18-May-12 14:26:24 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 !notyet but soon, I will listen to the dramatized version :)
I guess I need to quit !haventreadit now. Heh.
Tuesday, 08-May-12 20:39:21 UTC from web -
God I FINALLY FINISHED THIS BUCKING DRAWING OF LITTLEPIP Btw !notyet wow I'm slow. Only just got up to Chapter 16 :/
Thursday, 05-Apr-12 02:23:16 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 03-Apr-12 08:26:33 UTC from web
@ponydude @ceruleanspark should be ponified. "RDN's coolness level is at xx Megabooms." I can't think of anything really.
starting fallout equestria! perhaps at some point I won't have to say I !haventreadit
Sunday, 01-Apr-12 23:37:54 UTC from web -
Goodbye, !notyet
I wish the new episode was out already. I'm dying to know what it's about this time. @derps what is FO: E?
Saturday, 18-Feb-12 04:39:39 UTC from web -
3 more chapters and I leave !notyet, not including the epilogue & afterwords. /le sigh. Goodnight!
Bored, school, anyways, who has read Fallout Equestria? Reading it now, how is it?
Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 16:13:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@ratchetmiles It's amazing, apparently, but I still !haventreadit
3:00 AM now... may as well read another chapter OF FALLOUT: EQUESTRIA #SQUEE
join ALL the fanclubs! !opallovers !rarity !lunarrepublic !princesslunafans !celestiafanclub !spike !twilightfans !applejack !vinyl !octavia !fluttershy !rainbowdash !colgate !pinkieism !trekkieponies and might as well !broniesforever !derpyhoovescentral !equestriagaming !convert !haventreadit !vancouverbronies
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 23:59:26 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zimzap YES!!!
!notyet made a start on it a couple nights ago. 1 and a half chapters in, and good so far!
Monday, 30-Jan-12 16:40:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Whatever it is I !haventreadit
Thursday, 26-Jan-12 00:14:17 UTC from web -
!notyet I actually read a few chapters on the day it ended, 12/25/11.
@chipperlunaro You know something's popular when it's fanfic's fanbase has a fanbase of it's own.
!NOTYET ... But soon.
Thursday, 19-Jan-12 12:29:53 UTC from web-
@ecmc1093 This is a thing now? Heh. You should try the audiobook. Then you can multitask.
We need a group for ponies who haven't read FO:E
Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 22:44:13 UTC from web-
@masterofredashing Ouch
@tenmihara Eeyup.
@xtux345 lol