David V (diamonddash)
What is your guys political stances?
Thursday, 13-Jun-13 16:04:35 UTC from web -
Any of you lot from /mlp/
I swear. The iPhone google chrome needs a refresh button.
Thursday, 13-Jun-13 05:56:25 UTC from web -
@coffeecream it'll make for some intersting r34, that's for sure.
Thoughts on equestria girls?
Guess who's back.
@critialcloudkicker Lol. I'm off for a while. Care to text me? I very much enjoy debating with you.
@nerthos I don't think you even understand what nationalism is. It's more than a form of goverment. It is a mindset of a nation
@critialcloudkicker narcissism is rainbow dash. Rarity is usually quite modest, and though she does undoubtedly feel superior to most other ponies, she does not let it show.
@nerthos succeed.
Lol. This is actually one of the better debates I've been in for a while. I'll be back on in a few hours. Maybe we could get a group text going or something.
Thursday, 13-Jun-13 00:49:18 UTC from web -
@bowandlyre I did not say the lesser three were useless. In fct, I said the exact opposite. I said the lesser three were necessary in a proper society.
@pony which is why I can't stand trixie. Well, that and fallout equestria.
@nerthos Name one example where nationalism has failed
@critialcloudkicker the ones who constantly have flawed views of reality. Such as narcissism, fear, or over-optimism
@diamonddash god damn spell check messed up a lot of my words. Hopefully you can still understand.
@critialcloudkicker There is a difference. I like all of the mane 6. In a functional society, there needs to be a balance between the better an tr lacking, thus 3 ponies who lack, and 3 who are superior. They all have strengths and weaknesses, some more than others. However, they play off each others strengths, and assist them in the areas they are weak. However, that is not the case with the fans. The majority prefers the lesser 3, which is a flaw. I do not suggest the lesser characters be abandoned, for then the fandom would be no better off than it is now. There is a lack of harmony when one side becomes unbalanced.
@critialcloudkicker Incorrect in both cases. I'm a sociologist, and it says something about a fandom when the idolized characters are the disfunctional ones. People have a tendency of liking those they relate to, and the lack of people who relate to the ponys who are consistently productive leads me to feel negatively towards those who favoritize the ponys who have repeatedly proven themselves as incompetent.
@critialcloudkicker how am I not making sense. Very few bronies I've met are even tolerable. These communist loving rainbow dash fans know nothing of the nationalistic power that can only come from functional members of society, like applejack, rarity, and twilight
@mushi Let me rephrase. 80% if the bronies I know.
Is it wrong that I hate 80% of bronies?
!vabeachbronies I'll be here till Tuesday if anyone finds themselves in the area.
@derpyisbestpony22123 pity. If you know anyone relatively near by, shoot me a message.
@derpyisbestpony22123 what about you? You anywhere near the beach?
@zeldatra Yeah. I should be around here till Tuesday. If you find yourself in the area, send me a message.
@zeldatra yeah. I've been a few times
@zeldatra as in the Capitol?
@zeldatra how many miles away roughly? I'm just lookin to chill with some people.
!vabeachbronies just visiting for a few days. Anyone want to hang out?
Friday, 07-Jun-13 16:42:21 UTC from web