Under a Bridge...
A Russian brony that goes to a highschool. Avid fan and a learning graphics designer, programmer (currently working on java, as it's for a class), and TRYING to learn Audacity and Ardour to the point where I don't suck at editing... //My goal eventually is to be as good as (or better than) WoodenToaster on Youtube. Here's a link to my DeviantArt: http://glupoi652.deviantart.com/
More details...Insert FakeNameHere (the20percent)
@yodelerty eeyup.
Hello everyone! I'm back from cyber hibernation
@commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese mostly. I however take pride in being a phantom that shows up every few months unexpectedly. Though yes, most of us are in fact human.
Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:37:27 UTC from web
@abigpony Sandwitch.. Best food in world
@clarity How many tests did you fail :O
@cabal Hey, long time no see
So, whats everypony up to?
Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:11:12 UTC from web -
@camero not much
Hello everypony
alright, bye everypony. I'll log in tomorrow
@derpshy7 Calculus II, Physics C Mechanics, IT Essentials are the special courses, but I'm taking honors US History, Honors US Literature, Health and Spanish III
I feel like I would join in on the high school conversation, but my classes are far from typical for an 11th grader XD
@xeleanorxrigbyx Happy birthday
@derpshy7 Cool, That's kind of like my computer, except less evil
@electroidfire you may like it. The story is definitely there, but for best storyline, you may want to read up on Diablo I and Diablo II
@electroidfire It really just depends on your preference in games. If you like top-down RPGs, then you may like it. If shooters are more your thing, then I wouldn't recommend it.
@gladosenchilada I guess
@gladosenchilada I saw his page just now. shame I missed him
@bowandlyre alright :D
@bowandlyre yes. have all my yes.
@bowandlyre YES! I love you. 4th best pony you are.
@bowandlyre Luna is second. I know so
@gladosenchilada I feel a bit ashamed of myself, but do you remember the Brazilian brony that I remember talking to? Its been a while :/
@bowandlyre Oh well
@bowandlyre Oh, and I'm also trollestia
@bowandlyre My statement still stands. I say what goes, as I am the 20 Percent, holding 80% of Equestria's coolness and correctness
@renovatedkitchen Internet's worst nightmare
@anarchycarcino Are you quite sure?