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Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Gwinnett County, GA impossibly hard school in GA where nerds with no lives go and take ridiculously hard classes and half of the freshman end up failing and dropping out after the first year. We Are GSMST. Also probably the only school in the entire world with enough bronies for our own daily meetups at lunch.
Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (gsmst) group
Tuesday, 28-May-13 16:59:13 UTC from web
!GSMST ponies, I dun think many of you use the site very much so I doubt this will even matter or that you'll even see this dash but you should all join !atlantabronies since that's our area
Tuesday, 08-May-12 02:11:50 UTC from web -
!atlantabronies I would love to plan something but were to start?
Friday, 04-May-12 16:25:00 UTC from web-
@nakkecil22 !atlantabronies sounds good gwinnett isnt far from me
@nakkecil22 !atlantabronies Got 2 or 3 that are at least going to try to go, still have a few more to talk to
@macpony55 awesome sauce.
@macpony55 awesome. Next presentation project I have it will be ponyfied.
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 19:39:50 UTC from web -
Hello everypony!
Monday, 05-Mar-12 21:56:42 UTC from web-
@minti Well I current;y do more of those than I do programming and I would really like to do programming
@supercammy Yeah, that's true, I would do the lyrics without setting them to any actual music yet and then make your music and then give your lyrics act notes because matching singing to music is way easier then matching everything else to the singing
@supercammy huh?
Okay so, I have to ask this. Who know who IRL here?
Tuesday, 28-Feb-12 04:49:35 UTC from web-
@thatonepony About that... I might be riding down by Houston over the weekend to retrieve little bro. Might be.
@minti None of the Ohiobronies are on here much, except maybe presentperfect, and I've managed to miss him at all the meetups. The KSU bronies don't have a single member. Somehow that doesn't change much.
@wiipony Oh look a floating pair of pants. :D
!gsmst bronies are awesome
Thursday, 23-Feb-12 23:38:59 UTC from web -
I'm starting a !convert project on one of my friends. The "subject" is open minded about everything, and already has an obsession, might as well give her another one.
Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 01:11:47 UTC from web-
@hotluna Kinda ironic that the 2 I converted were guys, and the 1 was a girl.
@minti ive converted a guy and im working on my gf. its funny how stubborn she can be bout this
@zimzap My !convert projects invlolve things like Friendship is Magic apples( Youtube it), or the movs, I just show those at school on my computer and people just feel inclined to think maybe mlp isn't really all that girly, half the people in the !gsmst group where just accidentally converted through things like that
Well time to pack up my pyrotechnics to take to school tomorrow, be back in a few
Tuesday, 14-Feb-12 03:32:55 UTC from web -
@chipperlunaro Oh my, I see, well I'm not sure how to get them to respond except for actually adding the users to your dash, !gsmst is in GA though and I can easily contact them
Saturday, 11-Feb-12 03:48:12 UTC from web-
@chipperlunaro Sounds good to me
@chipperlunaro Wouldn't it be better to have it someplace in the US... and in the 21st century?
@chipperlunaro What do you mean?
Hello everypony!
Sunday, 05-Feb-12 23:44:35 UTC from web-
@macpony55 same reason I created the FTP server... for the lulz and because I can
@the20percent Well the FTP is actually useful
@macpony55 not at my upload speeds XD 200kbps isn't enough for a lot of transfer going on, and a minecraft server is fun
we should have a !gsmst meetup after school sometime in the SRC. graphic design forum, anyone?
Monday, 30-Jan-12 05:29:38 UTC from web -
Yo! ponibooru is unblocked. O.o
Thursday, 26-Jan-12 05:03:55 UTC from web-
@getacutiemark :D
@getacutiemark Friend-shipping =D
@tenmihara of course. so uber mega best friend-shipping. not "shipping" :D
Thursday, 26-Jan-12 04:35:27 UTC from web
@getacutiemark Very random usually for sites like that
@ponydude MICROSOFT FTW, APPLE CAN KISS MY papayas etc etc
Darn computer if refusing to let me dash anything, gonna try a full restart, it'll be a miracle if this dash even goes through
Thursday, 26-Jan-12 03:17:09 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 24-Jan-12 05:36:44 UTC from web -
We need a meetup group in Atlanta! During the Atlanta Syro-Malabar convention! xP
Monday, 23-Jan-12 04:03:48 UTC from web-
Lets txt @macpony55
@macpony55 how about, I saw a beautiful rainbow! :D
@getacutiemark Even I wouldn't get that if you said that after this convo
I've heard you shouldn't drink !coffee after 3PM. Personally, I never drink it before 7PM.
Tuesday, 17-Jan-12 01:30:52 UTC from web-
@the20percent Yeah. Liver and onions is actually one of my favorite foods. I don't get the hate.
@the20percent That is some amazing video editing there
@redenchilada well, I didn't grow up eating chopped liver... just chopped and mashed into a puree liver :/
Hey #Everypony I'm back & YAY Brony meetup tomorrow after school =D
Friday, 13-Jan-12 03:31:55 UTC from web-
Religion is a sensitive subject and it would be best if the topic was DROPPED.
@tenmihara That does make sense
@thatonepony It has good aspects and bad, I prefer to just stay out of all, and we probably should just drop it
Watching missed episodes of Season 2 :D
Thursday, 12-Jan-12 03:51:12 UTC from web-
@djvinylscratch Nice ^^
@djvinylscratch Welcome to RDN! !gsmst has gained quite a few members today
Wednesday, 11-Jan-12 20:02:39 UTC from web -
lol, jk i am new here
Wednesday, 11-Jan-12 19:57:32 UTC from web-
@pinhooves Thanks a lot! It seems awesome so far...
@getacutiemark It (mostly) is. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
@getacutiemark That's good to hear! Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hello everypony@
Thursday, 05-Jan-12 22:38:19 UTC from web-
@the20percent Hay you, guess who's still at !gsmst :p
@the20percent Hello@
Pony Archive is in jeopardy! Find out exactly why by clicking on the link. It includes the email from Hasbro's legal department and Pony Archive's response.
Thursday, 15-Dec-11 02:35:18 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark I know, but it does seem kinda odd that they would point it out so late
@mylilbrony It's exactly the same only set in the future and with much more options, there are at least 5 different sides to pick where there are really only has 2
@ceruleanspark I prefer to use the term sharing. It;s caring, don't ya know?
@mylilbrony sending file with Rainbow Dash and her cutie mark on it just so you have it. I'm not really looking for anything specific in the skin, just whatever your mind comes up with. You should also get tf2 and play on teh pony servers with me, the game is free on steam and you can access the network while at home on our computers. !vgp !minecraftponies !gsmst !rainbowdash I think this post applies to all those
Thursday, 01-Dec-11 01:41:27 UTC from web-
@macpony55 hey you, i have TF2 I thought I told you that, but anyway yeah i have the game, but whats the pony server
@mylilbrony I'm talking with Sachin about our rap right now but I'll be on later, just type in pony into the tag area and those are the main servers that I play on though
@the20percent Shelby is @mylilbrony and you needs to join !GSMST
Saturday, 05-Nov-11 17:57:40 UTC from web -
@mylilbrony join !gsmst
Friday, 04-Nov-11 16:53:42 UTC from web -
@mylilbrony join this so I'm not the only pony !gsmst
Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 02:46:00 UTC from web -
Friday, 07-Oct-11 02:09:35 UTC from web
Oh yeah, just found out !gsmst has the highest SAT score in Georgia :D
Friday, 07-Oct-11 01:30:00 UTC from web