http://xeleanorrigbyx.deviantart.com/Sometimes I post here. Other times I forget.
I like pones, cars and video games.
xeleanorxrigbyx (xeleanorxrigbyx)
Well it's always fun when the manager expects their employees to drive in this crap weather but then decides to stay home.
Wednesday, 04-Mar-15 15:52:33 UTC from web -
@nerthos Yeah, go be productive! Woo, productivity...
@nerthos Yeah, every few months I have to clean my save file with a handful of programs. Stuff gets unstable fast.
@nerthos I'd love it if it didn't crash constantly, but I think I'll just have to deal with it at this point. I know I had to take out my Open Cities mod because it murdered the game.
@nerthos I should probably try to optimize my load order, but that would take ages. I get excited when it doesn't hiccup every 30 seconds. Stupid Skyrim...
@nerthos I think I've made it a bit unstable with all the mods I'm running. It's the ultimate boss battle: How long can I keep it going until it crashes!? No one knows...
@thelastgherkin Thanks! Always good to be back. It's generally a pretty good time here.
@nerthos Yeah, it's set up to start up when the PC does. And when I do play, I can annoy the hell out of everyone with my Skyrim popups.
@nerthos Yeah, it's been crazy busy at work. Gotta make time for sanity though.
@thelastgherkin It is! I found the internet again! :D
@redenchilada Also it doesn't appear that they're slapping their logo on everything anymore. Huh, standards.
@redenchilada They actually acknowledged the source this go round. It's surprising.
@thelastgherkin 4th one down: http://pny.lv/4xga They actually gave proper credit.
@thelastgherkin part of the Cheezburger network that seems to pull images from all over and share them with people who subscribe/check the website
@thelastgherkin I guess you've sort of made it on dA? Your art is rolling through my email box via MyLittleBrony.
@mastertdi Sweet. Jesus.
@thelastgherkin so trigger me maybe?
@thelastgherkin oh wow it's so perfect.
@thelastgherkin I've seen the first few episodes, thought they were pretty funny. Might as well give it a shot.
@adamtheglowchu That I don't know. I'm just another user. :) I've never messaged the admin. @cinnamonswirl would know better than I.
@adamtheglowchu Nah, no pokemon hate. We seem to get all sorts through here. :)
@techdisk dolla dolla bills, of course.
@techdisk In case it rains?
@meloetta How do you even attract scammers? I haven't had one pester me yet.
@broniebrown It's seriously the best, especially from an RP standpoint. Bluff is awesome.
@broniebrown Man, now I really need to find a group again. Changeling Druid is where it's at (in 3.5 anyway). Shapeshifting for days.
@broniebrown So just like the picture I found but more of a vampire zombie. Neat!
Also, what in the world. http://pny.lv/444t
Thursday, 04-Sep-14 20:01:40 UTC from web