FreeBSD hacker, unicyclist, metal head and mad scientist from Germany
Also, if you invoke Godwin, I won't talk to you any more.
Dominic Fandrey (kamikaze)
!ppr #Fluttershy mane in the wind. http://ur1.ca/gc2xd
Saturday, 04-Jan-14 23:29:09 UTC from web -
!PPR #Celestia, praise the sun. http://ur1.ca/g6mtt
!PPR All hail the Queen #Chrysalis http://ur1.ca/g6hv3
@snowcone Accident? I wouldn't classify it this way.
@pony Well, now that ponies are back, so am I.
@pony Was there a conclusive answer?
Gack has tought me not to watch the show life … but, huh, it's good to be back!
Saturday, 23-Nov-13 16:07:18 UTC from web -
1792 new deviations … I should manage my group memberships with more care.
Saturday, 17-Aug-13 08:34:37 UTC from web -
Thursday, 11-Jul-13 20:01:03 UTC from web
@pony I went through 850 pictures this weekend and all I got for the PPR was 13.
Hello @pony, haven't been on for the same time in ages!
@broniebrown nickelodeon? That doesn't sound like anything I know. That's definitely not a cinema chain with presence in Germany. Also, dubbing is evil. And with this I mean bad evil, not the awesome Heavy Metal kind of evil.
@scoot It's not coming to Germany. *anger*
!PPR #PinkiePie and #RainbowDash row the boat. http://high-roller2108.deviantart.com/art/Row-row-row-your-boat-381637452
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 14:50:35 UTC from web -
!heavymetalbronies Friendship is Metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O61YEFsuo4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yPKyb4_w3U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkiwiVcxI_0M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElPDZdWoqTU
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 14:15:49 UTC from web -
!PPR Off of #EQD, just this one #Octavia for now. http://incinerater.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-mess-with-the-classic-335631609
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 12:56:21 UTC from web -
The raumzeitlabor (space and time lab) has a new embroidery machine. https://twitter.com/RaumZeitLog/status/351309821217214464/photo/1
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 12:19:00 UTC from web -
@nerthos It annoys me that everything goes through the proxy.
@rarity „Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany,” Oh how I love my country. I need to buy me a flag and burn it.
Democracy my flank, Orwell is weeping in his grave.
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 07:09:18 UTC from web -
What the hay, guardian surveillance article taken down „pending an investigation”! https://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/29/european-private-data-america
Sunday, 30-Jun-13 07:08:15 UTC from web -
@flamingpandaomg The walls of reality themselves bend to her will. How would a prison cell ever hold her?
@flamingpandaomg Pinkie Pie is neither above nor below any pony. Be it Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn or Alicorn. No hierarchy can contain her, no dimension suffices to contain her glory!
@flamingpandaomg Fluttershy is not even lord over her pets!
@sprite It is the word.
@flamingpandaomg There is no pony greater than Pinkie Pie.
@sprite My mind is a weapon.