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A group for the ponies who love the most powerful genre of metal
powermetalponies (powermetalponies) group
!powermetalponies Puta! so the legend is true... NOPONY CARES ABOUT THIS GROUP! DAMN!
Friday, 16-Aug-13 06:17:18 UTC from web -
!powermetalponies SO! Tell me Guys, 5 bands that you really, really love, I mean like very Powerful sound that makes you just came in a ear-orgasm... (I'm an idiot, I know...)
Thursday, 15-Aug-13 09:02:00 UTC from web-
@rarity sorry, my internet is very slow... Powerwolf, eh... I never listen about that band...
@tommewolf Here, this is one of my favorites from them
@rarity damn! they're good!!! well! now I have a new band for the records... hehehe
!powermetalponies OK! lets put some action in this group... I'm very bad making topics but who the bananas cares about it...
Thursday, 15-Aug-13 08:58:09 UTC from web-
@tommewolf I'm into Powerwolf
!powermetalponies who else listen to Hibria, Angra and Gamma Ray?
Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 10:28:11 UTC from web-
@tommewolf Angra is pretty sick, they've just got so much skill and groove. or something IDK. BUT IT SOUNDS AWESOME. as for other bands, well, i absolutely adore power metal so, obviously gotta have some Blind Guardian, throw some Stratovarius into the mix with a hint of Sabaton. as for other genres, some notables include, Ensiferum, Animals as Leaders, Death, and Symphony X. how about you? im looking to expand my library.
@aju1ceb0x DUDE!!! SUP! hehehe awesome, I listen to all those bands too! uh... well, except for Animals as Leaders and Death... but! seems like now I have some homework to do hehehe..
@aju1ceb0x there are many other bands that I listen to... like Iron Fire, Kobra And The Lotus, Freedom Call, Twilighting (I don't remember how it's write that band hehehe band English) anyway! Iced Earth I also listen to some Spanish Power Metal if you have an open mind... like Warcry (I know English name) Nörthwind and Avalanch...
!powermetalponies Hello!! I just wanted to ask does anypony listen Rhapsody, DF or Kamelot here?
Monday, 15-Apr-13 11:06:10 UTC from web-
@nerthos si... hahaha! me trae recuerdos cuando vivia en Guatemala y yo era el mas cabron (el mejor) de la clase de ingles... cuando ponian a hacer traducciones en grupos... todos querian estar conmigo... luego vine aqui y era algo parecido a la peor mierda que se pudo haber oido en ingles...hahaha!
@tommewolf Eso es debido al mal nivel general que la mayoría de las escuelas tienen en el área de los idiomas extranjeros. En mi época muchas veces tomé ventaja de eso para hacer bromas o hacer quedar mal a profesores.
@nerthos muchisima verdad en eso... me acuerdo que yo hacia lo mismo... ya que mi papa estaba TAN! interesado en que yo prendiera un buen ingles me metio a un curso privado (no muy bueno para ser exacto) pero me sirvio para expandir mi vocabulario y con eso pues ya hacia caer en ridiculo a mis profesores... hehehe
!powermetalponies Yet another metal group. *join*
Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 16:21:40 UTC from web -
!powermetalponies Thanks for getting me into Nightwish guys! They're super awesome and starting to dominate my life!
Monday, 16-Jan-12 04:09:44 UTC from web-
@aju1ceb0x I trust you've heard their newest songs then?
@redbacksigil YEA, i only started listening like a month ago but these guys are pretty bucking awesome. That instrumental album goes great when reading. I dont know why but it just does.
!PowerMetalPonies - Anyone know of a good instrumental power or prog metal band?
Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 21:11:47 UTC from web-
@thetundraterror I shall look into that; thank you!
@scribus animals is leaders is another
@thetundraterror Groovy. I'd seen the name come up on a search, but I haven't had time to research; it's nice to have a recommendation. ^_^
!powermetalponies I LOVE Blind Guardian! It'd be hard to choose a favorite song/album... My all-time favorite band is Nightwish, they RULE!
Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 04:48:54 UTC from web