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A group for the ponies who love the most powerful genre of metal

powermetalponies (powermetalponies) group


  1. !powermetalponies Puta! so the legend is true... NOPONY CARES ABOUT THIS GROUP! DAMN!

    Friday, 16-Aug-13 06:17:18 UTC from web
    • !powermetalponies SO! Tell me Guys, 5 bands that you really, really love, I mean like very Powerful sound that makes you just came in a ear-orgasm... (I'm an idiot, I know...)

      Thursday, 15-Aug-13 09:02:00 UTC from web
    • !powermetalponies OK! lets put some action in this group... I'm very bad making topics but who the bananas cares about it...

      Thursday, 15-Aug-13 08:58:09 UTC from web
    • !powermetalponies who else listen to Hibria, Angra and Gamma Ray?

      Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 10:28:11 UTC from web
    • !powermetalponies Hello!! I just wanted to ask does anypony listen Rhapsody, DF or Kamelot here?

      Monday, 15-Apr-13 11:06:10 UTC from web
    • !powermetalponies Yet another metal group. *join*

      Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 16:21:40 UTC from web
      • !powermetalponies Thanks for getting me into Nightwish guys! They're super awesome and starting to dominate my life!

        Monday, 16-Jan-12 04:09:44 UTC from web
      • !PowerMetalPonies - Anyone know of a good instrumental power or prog metal band?

        Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 21:11:47 UTC from web
      • !powermetalponies I LOVE Blind Guardian! It'd be hard to choose a favorite song/album... My all-time favorite band is Nightwish, they RULE!

        Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 04:48:54 UTC from web