NoSense (nosense)
@metaltao Then we shall solve this mystery tomorrow as I am tired (I'll see ya tomorrow mang!)
Friday, 02-Jan-15 02:01:27 UTC from web -
@metaltao Dang. Then what's making a meme? Step 420 I suppose
@metaltao That's eating a cookie, correct?
@metaltao STEP 25!
@metaltao But you know what's better than step 24?
@metaltao No, Step 34 is making [Incomplete sentence]. But you're right I was wrong, its step 24.
@scribus Dimmadang
@metaltao Woah there, calm down buddy. That's step 16.
@metaltao No we must meme softly at first, but then WE WILL MEME SO HARD EVEN 4CHAN CANT HANDLE IT!
@scribus I feel cold and betrayed by McFly.
@metaltao We shall meme the universe!
Are there gonna be hoverboards this year, or has Marty lied
@metaltao You're an even bigger meme!
@metaltao I missed you, You meme!
@metaltao *Haggles intensifies so much so that the universe was not able exist no longer*
Hi, mang!
@northernnarwhal Yeah I have a long way to go, and thanks for the critique, really
I tried to hand. have i handed well?
@techdisk Eternal Hoodies!
I went to deviantart and found out that my most viewed picture is an edited hash brown with the word selfie following it
Thursday, 25-Dec-14 06:02:34 UTC from web -
I just have this random still, and i dont know why #nsfw
Thursday, 25-Dec-14 05:36:54 UTC from web -
@yodelerty I didnt even know it meant fox until now
Merry Kitsune!
@metaltao Here lies the "Multiple-named" Tao. VIP
@metaltao *skool*
@metaltao oh, ǝɹǝɥʇ ᴉH
@metaltao *notices*