Fries, VA, US
Hey! My name is Zack! I am Brony, and have been for few years! I am pretty much a nerd. Lol. I Love comic books, Video Games, Anime, all kinds of stuff. I am also in Love with music! All kinds! Even Classical! Now...To get to bad stuff...You see, I was born without the right side of my brain, and a cyst formed. And it has caused me A Lot of problems! For example, I have had seizure's since I was a kid(But they have gotten better now!) I also have memory loss, and am mentally disabled. I also been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and Bi Polar. I also have other problems, but I think those are major one's. So, yeah...I am also considering to become a DJ someday. And I am also considering a hobby in Boxing.(Maybe a Career Who Know's!?) So, anyway, I'm happy to be here! And I hope I didn't waste to much of you're time with this. xD
More details...Zachary Hanks (therainbowboxer)
@northernnarwhal Good Night!
@thelastgherkin I Know you can Show me!
@thelastgherkin Kenpachi Rama Sama Up in the Club!
@metaltao May be. Or he just doesn't like Turkey. xD
@metaltao Satan's coming for You! xD
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope you guys are having a Good one! =D
@metaltao Lol. Know that feel...xD
@metaltao Woot! xD
@metaltao *Dances* By the Power of Dance! xD
@metaltao Yes! xD
@metaltao I know! All of it is Crazy! OoO
@metaltao Yeah I know! I want his energy! xD
@metaltao Totally! Especially the little guy! He get's into it! xD
@metaltao Yeah! It takes Two guys to do it! xD
@metaltao Lol. Right!? xD
@metaltao And that's only the start!
@metaltao Yes! xD
@metaltao I know Right!? It's So Awesome! xD
@metaltao I'm not sure how to pronounce his name I just found them today. xD
http://youtu.be/FCpd6mkNWas Crazy 12 deck mix! Oh My God! =O
@meloetta in Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric he does...Sadly...xD
@fyf Know that feel...
@mastertdi Everybody's gotta learn sometimes!
"The Punch is Mightier then the Sword" Doc Louis.
Wednesday, 26-Nov-14 00:15:43 UTC from web -
@kittyponey08 Yeah. She's an Astronomy nerd's Princess! xD
@kittyponey08 Ah! Good choice! She would be my favorite Princess, if not for Luna. xD
@kittyponey08 Rainbow Dash. You're's?
@kittyponey08 That's good. =)
@kittyponey08 So, you're feeling better? =)
@kittyponey08 Lol. Awesome! xD