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!electronicponies electronic madeasong shareasong
Here you can post any kind of electronic music you've made or a song that you want to share
Electronic Bronies (electronicponies) group
- Crazy 12 deck mix! Oh My God! =O
Wednesday, 26-Nov-14 23:47:28 UTC from web- NoSense and MetalTao like this.
- MetalTao repeated this.
@metaltao Woot! xD
@therainbowboxer Now, I am tired, and my shins hurt...
Zachary Hanks likes this. -
@metaltao Lol. Know that feel...xD
MetalTao likes this.
- Found this yesterday! This is for Ellie Goulding fans! =D
Thursday, 20-Nov-14 23:04:08 UTC from web