loner who is feeling nostalgic about pony square
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loner who is feeling nostalgic about pony square
I'm here to make friends, talk about the show, and advertise my fanfic Fallout Equestria shattered memories (Currently in progress looking for writers to help) So come and chat me up, you can also find me on Facebook under Michael Preder, Ponysquare under Whiteout, or Youtube under Predernation.
Another German brony. I'm not into slash shipping, I'm a big fan of background ponies, and I prefer their fan names to those invented by Hasbro's toy department. Oh, and !Seafoam (aka Sea Swirl for some of you) is best pony.
Hey guys I am Chronamut, a long time supporter of mlp - grew up watching it in the 80s - I will admit, I resisted this community with a passion but, being a flash animator myself, seeing the incredible amount of beauty, professionally recorded songs, and utter storyline depth and relateable characters, I was utterly impressed, and have been a fan ever since! Also being gay, I find quite a few of the bronies rather cute ;) I have carried a bit of my own weight on the internet - not in the mlp side of things, but I have published my own book - created and produced over 300 songs, and sell my artwork online and in galleries, as well as am a spiritual leader. I have done alright for myself, and am always looking for new audiences to showcase my work to. You can view all my stuff at http://ShawnDall.com
hey guys rainbow dash here and today im doing awesome downloads and more pics that i want to see and it's going to be awesome and im male in the real world so im loyalty like rainbow dash so please comment me anytime
Hey! My name is Zack! I am Brony, and have been for few years! I am pretty much a nerd. Lol. I Love comic books, Video Games, Anime, all kinds of stuff. I am also in Love with music! All kinds! Even Classical! Now...To get to bad stuff...You see, I was born without the right side of my brain, and a cyst formed. And it has caused me A Lot of problems! For example, I have had seizure's since I was a kid(But they have gotten better now!) I also have memory loss, and am mentally disabled. I also been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and Bi Polar. I also have other problems, but I think those are major one's. So, yeah...I am also considering to become a DJ someday. And I am also considering a hobby in Boxing.(Maybe a Career Who Know's!?) So, anyway, I'm happy to be here! And I hope I didn't waste to much of you're time with this. xD
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Hello i have interests in things you have interests well there you go! i like music,creative writing,science and i love playing guitar and watching video games playing anime!