https://friendica.eu/profile/pulsewaveAnother German brony. I'm not into slash shipping, I'm a big fan of background ponies, and I prefer their fan names to those invented by Hasbro's toy department.
Oh, and !Seafoam (aka Sea Swirl for some of you) is best pony.
Pulse Wave (pulsewave)
Midnight Infidelity
by GildedOwl http://gildedowl.deviantart.com/art/Midnight-Infidelity-346174483
Still working on my HWCon report. In the meantime, have a comic from two years ago.
#mlp #pony #comic #shiningarmor #princesscadance #princessluna http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/819344 -
Convention and event plans for 2015
My plans for pony events this year:
Hearth’s Warming Con http://www.hwcon.nl/ this weekend
Brony Fair http://www.brony-fair.eu/ in April
http://www.galacon.eu/ in August
And I suppose there’ll be another http://lunafest.eu/de in late October or early November.
#mlp #mlpfim #pony #convention #conventions -
!germanbronies !europonies No talk about the #galacon yet, the #GrandGallopingGala #convention in #Germany? http://www.galacon.eu/
Sunday, 10-Jun-12 12:23:35 UTC from web -
Für die !germanbronies: Bin auf dem Weg zum Winter-Tee-, äh, -Ade-Tag nach Flankfurt.
And I'm on my way to Flankfurt/Mane (Frankfurt/Main) to attend the largest German brony meeting ever. This whole thing grew out of an idea of mine, so I kind of have to be there.
@pulsewave Argh, Friendica/Status.Net federation messed up my hashtags!
#yay http://frndk.de/search?search=yay Finally got me some #wave3 http://frndk.de/search?search=wave3 #blindbags http://frndk.de/search?search=blindbags — all show accurate ones except #BigMacintosh http://frndk.de/search?search=BigMacintosh. Of course including Sea Swirl, the closest to !Seafoam you can get. When I came back from my pony quest yesterday, she happened to be the first I got hold of when I reached into the shopping bag. Also, she was the first I unwrapped. Nevertheless, I'm going to leave the hunt for Big M at the Winter Wrap-up #meeting http://frndk.de/search?search=meeting on Saturday to my fellow #bronies http://frndk.de/search?search=bronies. About one hundred fellow bronies or so.
@pulsewave Okay, at least posts from ~Friendica still get through.
Hm, I'm still connected to RD.net. I'm now wondering if the #StatusNet #federation still works as desired, at least from here.
@ceruleanspark You should have mentioned that it's based on #XMPP / #Jabber. (What server software is it based on, by the way?)
Did I mention that I didn't notice the Dude pony? Not because I don't know #TheBigLebowski, I know that movie, but because !Seafoam distracted me.
Monday, 05-Dec-11 10:01:49 UTC from web -
!InSovietEquestria #ponies #confound YOU!!
Monday, 05-Dec-11 09:47:10 UTC from web -
It's currently raining and snowing outside. #Confound this weather. Where are #pegasi when you need them?
Monday, 05-Dec-11 09:43:13 UTC from web -
!insovietequestria cloud kicks YOU!!
Thursday, 10-Nov-11 19:15:54 UTC from web -
More #backgroundponies for your pocket by OceanBreezeBrony, including !Roseluck and !Seafoam – http://oceanbreezebrony.deviantart.com/art/Pocket-Pony-Background-Edition-268076548
Thursday, 10-Nov-11 19:10:59 UTC from web -
@flaxx Yeah, I wanted to put something together in Inkscape, too, for an occasion today. But the new #blindbag ponies and setting up the #Friendica #Brony page (http://friendika.dsn-test.com/network) with all the new episode alerts took too much of my time.
@rainbowdash and everypony else: Those who are left behind from #Flankbook's demise, those sick and tired of #Facebook and #GooglePlus, pretty much everypony who wants, here's my invitation to #Friendica (formerly known as #Friendika, they changed the spelling a couple of days ago). http://project.friendika.com/ It's free/open source, you know what's working underneath it, it doesn't spy on you or sell your data, it's far more advanced than #Diaspora feature-wise, it even outshines #GooglePlus (see the feature comparison chart), and like with e-mail, you can choose what portal (provider) you want to use and even set up your own server. Public servers: http://dir.friendika.com/siteinfo Now comes the best part: #Friendica users and #StatusNet (Rainbowdash Network) users can connect to one another, as can #Friendica and #Diaspora users. You might also have a look at my #Friendica #Brony Page: http://friendika.dsn-test.com/profile/bronies
@tenmihara Well, the differences between !Blues and !Noteworthy are similar to those between canon !Cheerilee and #blindbag !Cheerilee. Now I'm wondering what they'll name !Seafoam, and whether her fan name is well-known enough to stay. Oh, by the way, for those who get the bags in their local stores, the first numbers have been leaked, too. For example, !Lyra !Heartstrings is number 22.
@pulsewave More news about the new #blindbag ponies from @eqdpony. The unknown pony is a !CarrotTop look-alike, and I forgot to mention the one that looks like !CherriesJubilee yesterday. However, they're all renamed. !CarrotTop becomes !GoldenHarvest, !Blues becomes !Noteworthy, unicorn !BerryPunch becomes !BerryShine, and !Lyra becomes !Heartstrings.
@moneybags Good, I'll look out for her.
!insovietequestria #blindbag pony wants YOU!!
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:10:14 UTC from web -
Identified #Wave3 #BlindBag ponies except the Mane Six (so far): !BigMacintosh, !Blues, !Bluegrass, !SirColtonVinesIII (wrong hair colour, but bound to be #shipped with !Daisy aka !FlowerWishes), !AppleBumpkin, !Seafoam, !Lyra, !RainbowDay. Of course, their official names aren't known yet. One Pinkie recolour remains unidentified. !BonBon maybe? !bnl #BackgroundPonies
@rainbowrevolver Does that make !BigMacintosh the first #brony in #canon?
Just noticed something in #Season2 #Episode3 Lesson Zero: !Lyra and !BonBon fight over !SmartyPants. In a Big Ball of Violence, but it's definitely them. See for yourself around 17:26. !bnl
Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:09:35 UTC from web