

  1. # the animators, they put !Seafoam closest to Big Macintosh in the pile of # scene in Lesson Zero. Good thing nopony knows her, so I hope she's safe from the # masses.#season2 #

    Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:00:25 UTC from web
    1. @pulsewave You may have just cursed her... I mine how has she avoided the shipping lanes with a name like THAT?

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:01:32 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart *mean

        Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:02:11 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Good question, especially since she was one of the three ponies who said, "Muffins!" On the other hoof, !DitzyDoo and !Colgate are more famous and more popular than her, and # keep confusing her with other unicorns.

          Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:15:44 UTC from web
    2. @pulsewave Speaking of !Seafoam, she gave Daisy a good beat-up. And no, that's no reason to ship them, Daisy's already got Colton.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 21:03:19 UTC from web