Salford, UK
Used to live in Glasgow. Now I am here. I play Guitar. Yay, woohoo, you rock etc. I think too much about things, drink too much coffee, socialise too little, and hate labels. except on bottles. I love picking those. Oh, and I am the Duke of Kiddermarester, and extremely rich!
Lick my decals off, brony. My only other significant net presence: http://rateyourmusic.com. RhymeDragWithDrag at your service.
Oh, by the way, MLP:FiM and Earth, Wind and Fire? Best combination ever!
Barton Flank (pawnheart)
Anyhoo, tara! take care.
Thursday, 22-Aug-13 11:18:53 UTC from web -
@critialcloudkicker Thats quite cool. Bout the same price as a standard SD by the look of it, too.
@vcgriffin Btw, in case my plan to come online later backfires (as it is wont to do), hope you have an awesome time in Manchester!
@vcgriffin ...er... pardon?
Ah, I've got some work to do... I'll be back. WE'LL ALL BE BACK!! Later, folks.
@critialcloudkicker I think waiting for the reductions in price, and the complete catalogue of games, is never a bad way to go if you don't mind waiting!
@critialcloudkicker Ah... so its kinda an SD memory expansion?
@critialcloudkicker ...I hadn't even heard of them before! wikipedia time...
@critialcloudkicker Ah, it was just a wee joke. He was at one point the richest man in the world (I think?).
@critialcloudkicker It's baby-blue going on orange. The screen looks like it's been laced with catnip at some point.
@critialcloudkicker DS. Who d'ya think I am? Rockefeller?
@critialcloudkicker Well... It's a turn-based RPG. Not a particularly difficult one, either. Most people would agree with you, though! ...I... I enjoyed it!
@critialcloudkicker I always liked the DS... haven't "upgraded" yet... not a tremendous amount of impetus to do so, tbh.
@thelastgherkin I have no idea what that means, but I sure enjoyed it!
@thelastgherkin and, if you're not so sure, it's Radish.
@critialcloudkicker Do you know what DS game I found more fun than I probably should? [conspiratorial proximity and volume] ... is this bad?
@vcgriffin Ha! Nice!
@vcgriffin ...alright!
@coffeecream It's okay! You really don't seem particularly immature to me.
@thelastgherkin HOWL HOWL HOWL... Oh, you are mares of STOOOOOOOOOOOOOONES.
Oh @starshine... Twas' thee that granted sailors direction, though far from home. Twas' thee that warmed our bodies and granted our harvests life. Twas' thee that, through minor differences in luminosity, allowed us to detect extrasolar planets...
@rotation Do you like... 'Vauxhall & I'? ...I do.
@rotation You see?! Boundless Enthusiasm!
@scribus MIDI is acceptable.
@rotation ...I will challenge that. I shall find an old Dash to prove the contrary.
@coffeecream ...seriously, it's a non-issue!
@starshine (sigh) ...Starshine. You wuz funny, you wuz.
I could, theoretically, write a sober allegation here that I was abused by... I dunno... children's TV legend... Artemis... Wacky... and that would be sufficient grounds for the papers to front page the man's downfall.
Thursday, 22-Aug-13 10:30:53 UTC from web -
@vcgriffin Yeah, likewise. The worst of it isn't people assuming guilt before the trial... it's the assumption that they've already been found guilty based purely on allegations.