Group actions

!moonbasealpha aeiou football
Moon of Moonbase Alpha.
Moonbase Alpha (moonbasealpha) group
uuuuuuuuuuu 99999999 brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb !aeiou
Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 22:45:01 UTC from web -
I want to leave a load of pointless groups, but who knows when I'll next need !honk or !aeiou or !dangerzone?
Friday, 04-Jul-14 14:24:31 UTC from web- Pony likes this.
@thelastgherkin Don't forget !ponyfabulous
Monday, 10-Feb-14 11:58:00 UTC from web
!aeiou !aeiou
Saturday, 26-Oct-13 22:56:15 UTC from web -
9,999 dA messages. !aeiou
Friday, 15-Feb-13 18:12:30 UTC from web -
#hugs, anypony?
@pawnheart Moonbase Alfalfa.
@derpyshy :( I'm sorry to hear. Well, guess you gotta learn that french then! ^_^. I have faith in you!
@renovatedkitchen yup, unfortunately :(
Remember when @Carcino asked for the mods to ban him?
Tuesday, 01-May-12 15:53:42 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
Suddenly, !moonbasealpha
Thursday, 13-Oct-11 14:29:16 UTC from web- Griffin repeated this.
I bet it's possible to make a rad dance track by using the UUUUUUUUUU sound from !aeiou 's Moonbase Alfalfa as the central instrument.
Friday, 16-Sep-11 16:37:35 UTC from web -
Derail time! Have some Happy Luna/Sad Luna action!
Thursday, 01-Sep-11 01:38:30 UTC from web -
Wow. Seems like everypony felt the quake.. but me. :( Rats. I really felt like feeling an earthquake today. I woke up this morning, shot out of bed, and said, "I wanna feel an awesome earthquake today!" Rats. Just Rats.
Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:27:53 UTC from web- dezzie again likes this.
@theawesomepony wonderful. wbu?
@dezzierose im okay i talked to my navy recruiter and i uploaded a new video
@theawesomepony Cool. I went shopping!
I can't stop reading things in the Stephen Hawking voice !football
Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 11:37:23 UTC from web- rgtrehhrth likes this.
Sunday, 14-Aug-11 21:22:23 UTC from web
@hoit21 Damnit, I'll have to double check that. Usually my proofreader catches all the little things like that. I'll link you parts 3 and 4 in a minutes
@rotation For an accurate depiction of life in Ponyville on the Moon?
@hoit21 Part 3: Part 4: You've got plenty of time to read these; I'm leaving for work in about half an hour and won't be back till later
@zachariastargazer !aeiou. aeiou? 999999999999 John Madden? Football! Mark. Mark?
Saturday, 13-Aug-11 04:37:42 UTC from web -
I love this.
Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 00:16:49 UTC from web -
Saturday, 06-Aug-11 21:06:44 UTC from web
Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 19:29:11 UTC from web
Is you here @haganbmj are you hiding
Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 07:43:03 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@haganbmj makes me hate stuff
@kingcarcinopony What, when RDN is dead? It does lead to a boring night.
@haganbmj Yesh
!aeiou holla holla get £
Monday, 11-Jul-11 01:16:02 UTC from web -
@nvrrmbr well duh, who wouldn't like you, silly?
@bentokitty I haven't the foggiest idea. How're you?
Monday, 27-Jun-11 17:18:24 UTC from web-
@communistprime !aeiou. !aeiou. !aeiou.
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 05:27:34 UTC from web
Hello everypony
Monday, 13-Jun-11 03:17:11 UTC from web-
@carcinopony YESSSSSSSSSS
@loak how couuuuuld you.
Hehe I lol'ed
Sunday, 12-Jun-11 00:54:01 UTC from web-
@loak I don't often lol, but... I'm laughing for real right now. Aeiou
Monday, 06-Jun-11 17:57:21 UTC from web
@elusivemrmadden Aeiou!
@philosodash Did somepony say sake?
@quetzalcoatl I did!
@nvrrmbr yes. Although I am looking down on you.
Saturday, 04-Jun-11 01:23:22 UTC from web
This an accurate representation of how I think.
Tuesday, 31-May-11 05:00:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@moonprincess hey princess!
@moonprincess hiya there :D
@nvrrmbr @madflavors @delc17 MY MIND IS FULL OF ALL OF THAT!
i return!!!
Saturday, 28-May-11 23:52:01 UTC from web -
Ok, why am I giggling like an idiot at this?