what the (darkly9)
So day 8 was an octopus creature. Day 8. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/000/681/what-you-did-there-i-see-it.thumbnail.jpg
Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 07:53:14 UTC from web -
@scribus Not that I am aware of sadly.
Blleararaaaegh tentaaaacleees.
Welp, RDN looks all neat now.
Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 01:28:33 UTC from web -
@theidiotking I think Discord should have an item like the Wabbajack, as well.
I think Discord and Sheogorath would get along swimmingly.
@deletethisaccount Good night, and good luck.
@darkly9 It reminded me of when someone I know was preparing to leave facebook permanently because they were going blind, they went through saying goodbyes to all their friends. I think the only way I could have cried harder would be if they had terminal cancer or something.
@anarchycarcino Perhaps not. I guess people usually do it quietly. It's the saying goodbyes part that's...
Man watching someone preparing to delete their account is depressing.
@deletethisaccount Goodbye. Hope you do well elsewhere.
@novawhooves Welcome.
@desiros First letter of each line :V
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar.
Thursday, 29-Nov-12 01:19:35 UTC from web -
Thursday, 29-Nov-12 00:38:16 UTC from web -
@thatonestocking [Sorry can't help] I guess one might worry about getting stuck if it's a particularly large clam?
@thatonestocking @pony If RDN didn't have (IIRC) a thing about adult references I would be making so many jokes right now.
@thelastgherkin That is what I was referring to yes.
@thelastgherkin :P You could have made a last of the dodos reference there.
@darkly9 Bleh, curse my use of dashes for emphasis.
@thatonestocking That sounds both painful -and- suggestive.
@abigpony I barely tumbl :P
@abigpony Well I legitimately enjoy them. Mostly I enjoy the ones that fit with mythology, and not specifically monster girls, but monsters in general, humanoid or otherwise, male, female, other... Hell I wasn't even aware this sort of thing was as popular as it apparently is until fairly recently.
@abigpony Why? I like monster people. And some of them I needed to do concepts for eventually anyway.
@abigpony Doing a 30-day monster girl challenge. First two days were Harpy and Centaur, respectively, and I've already uploaded both and named a folder for it. -I will do this-.
Bleargh now I have to draw a slime girl... Halp.
@anarchycarcino I know, which is why I didn't go out of my way to hide it in ways that would make it look even worse than it already does.
@anarchycarcino Small ones I suppose. It wasn't exactly drawn to be erotic :/
@anarchycarcino :: Sigh:: No. She is actually wearing clothing. Last one I uploaded isn't though :v.