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Secret Butt Fun: A Plot and Pony Show
!secretbuttfun butt plot rump My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic for the plot? Join us! Post pony plot for Secret Butt Funs. Alternatively, post Secret Butt Funs for [plot] points! Don't be picky, post the plot!
Secret Butt Fun: A Plot and Pony Show (secretbuttfun) group
!butt this group is still here?! Oh well then, bring it on back Michael!
Sunday, 02-Jun-13 23:50:11 UTC from web -
Did I promise a break from the !plot ? I lied. Here, have a link to another mostly-dead group. This time, it's one I didn't have a hoof in making. I swear. What are you waiting for? Get posting and get that delicious karmas!
Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 14:36:43 UTC from web-
@retl uuuhhhh.........
@unhipdruid My bad. I didn't realize I already shared that link nine months ago. Nine months is a lot of time to remember which sources of butts are best. !plot
@retl uh, iv been here less than a week...
!secretbuttfun After the loss of Ponibooru, I'm updating the group link to point to the Derpibooru search. You may now resume your seven months of silence.
Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 14:34:36 UTC from web -
@widget I know that Faust doesn't like R34 but I wonder if she and/or others might look at !plot jokes in a different light. Anyway, it could have just been a silly pose they wanted to throw in just for kicks I suppose.
Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 12:21:13 UTC from web -
RDN, perverted butt fun.
Sunday, 01-Apr-12 06:25:59 UTC from web-
@minti The butt fun is definitely not secret.
I love how at a moments notice I can change this place to Spitfire Network. So we can finish up with a !plot
Thursday, 29-Mar-12 17:01:32 UTC from web- Scribus likes this.
@purplephish20 :D
@mrdragon Thats funny because I happen to have a random ship wallpaper of the two...
@ecmc1093 MINE.
I am cherries DEEP in grounded.
@princesshugs I'm really good in most subjects(excluding Spanish). I just never do homework.
@derps oh really eric?
@asktobyandshade Ayep.
butt butts lol i loev them
Saturday, 25-Feb-12 22:18:23 UTC from web- Milo and derps like this.
- derps, Gherkin ☑️ and Milo repeated this.
@redenchilada i don't know, but I am going to leave before it gets creepy.
@retl Derp. !secretbuttfun @scoot
... Okay ponies has affected me too much. Viewing the source of a page and found "<div id="plot">" and laughed. Bahaha silly ponies.
Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:37:58 UTC from web -
Monday, 20-Feb-12 09:02:03 UTC from web
@thatonepony "Sleep, I should be doing it. Oh cherries."
#coolthing !secretbuttfun C'mon, you guys! Get submitting so I can feature this instead of ! Pleaaaase?
@retl BigBootyMares will be expiring within a month. I have no interest in reclaiming it. If for any reason someone is linking to it, may want to remove those links.
if plot has become a euphemism in the brony community... then would a plot hole be considered as... well, you know
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 21:25:07 UTC from web- Toothpaste Pony! likes this.
- Toothpaste Pony! repeated this.
@trister Yes, it would.
Thursday, 16-Feb-12 01:51:26 UTC from web
@pinhooves I know what you mean. We keep talking about different types of plots in my statistics class, and I need to hide my nearly... um... I mean, erm... <.<
Did a crashcourse on MySQL, so now I have basic competency. And I've at least looked at PHP before. I know what I want functionality wise, but I haven't figured out how to give the WIP !plot website a frontend that is as pretty as it is useful. (#Backend joke averted.)
Wednesday, 01-Feb-12 14:41:01 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark Awesome! :D Thanks! I've run into a number of supportive people since starting at it. I'm really really glad to have people I can go to for help. <3 *Hugs*
@retl Are you OK for hosting? I've got a 97% discount code for Dreamhost, if you want it.
@ceruleanspark Does it work with existing accounts? :B I've been hosted with Dreamhost for a few years now. But yeah. :3
So uh. Hey. Remember that site? I'm thinking of doing an entire site dedicated to !plot. Having trouble figuring out how I want to implement it, though. I'm thinking either a collection of linked thumbnails, or a links gathering place akin to reddit. #secretbuttfun
Tuesday, 31-Jan-12 19:24:46 UTC from web -
Taking another break. How's everypony doing?
Friday, 27-Jan-12 03:37:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@derps Of course not.
@bladeshadowmane He's the complete opposite of that.
@pinhooves well that still is lame :( I don't know about anypony else, and it may be because I'm older, but I have always had the mindset of being respectful towards others
I guess I could pick another new icon, but there aren't a whole lot I can think of that I care for.
Thursday, 26-Jan-12 17:50:41 UTC from web-
chiefanchor likes this.
A good pony haul so far.
Sunday, 25-Dec-11 14:08:40 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@silentponytagonist Look at that. Look at Applebloom's !plot.
@silentponytagonist Sweet! Kinda makes me wish more of my family knew I was a brony, so I could get this sorta swag. But hey, there's always xmas cash and post-xmas sales! Still, I got an awesome CD and a box of turkish delight so far, pretty good for xmas-eve preview gifts
I must deeply investigate his !plot.
@madflavors Are you sire you don't want all these !plot holes filled? I got something to fill it~
@derps eeeeyup. I've got it covered.
@madflavors Aww... I got all these corks out for nothing...
A !plot a day keeps the... friendship... okay?
Friday, 25-Nov-11 20:38:01 UTC from web -
@ponydude2143, I think it will amuse you that chubbie Fluttershy is sat on your icon right now. I think she likes you.
Sunday, 13-Nov-11 02:00:03 UTC from web-
@pawnheart, and I doubt I'd watch it either way. There are far too many movies I need to get to watching, haha.
@mastertdi Indeed! I'm crap at watching films these days... can't seem to bolt myself down for long enough without getting restless... especially when it's some "powerful" (re: brutally unpleasant and humourless) drama a friend has talked me into watching... but anyhoo...
@pawnheart, yeah, I have a terrible attention span... so much so that I haven't seen the Harry Potter series yet.
Sunday, 06-Nov-11 14:20:13 UTC from web
- Milo repeated this.
@purplephish20 DRAW APPLE BOOM OKAY
@pallettwist I probably should. But that would take effort.
@retl Hmm yeah, that's true... Dang.
Friday, 04-Nov-11 22:07:55 UTC from web
Thursday, 03-Nov-11 21:47:27 UTC from web
Hardly minutes awake and I'm already considering drawing Apple Bloom today.
Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 12:29:45 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark CORRECT It also allows for the use of T-Link Knuckle.
@jinny <3 The most entertaining part of the day.
@retl Yes hehe, we shall have to do this more often dear. ^^
- Cute enough that I drew him. !art
Saturday, 29-Oct-11 20:41:25 UTC from web-
@retl Of course you're looking at him from that angle =P Or is it just a pun?
@tenmihara ? Did you mean the image's title? It's based party on !secretbuttfun and also that he actually says the line "Scary, but fun."
@retl hat's what I thought XD
*Vague attention seeking dash*
Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 20:09:55 UTC from web-
@scribusmyers I never saw that film
@seanthesheep Oh, it's a classic.
@scribusmyers So I hear.
Bridle Gossip. So much. Bloom.
@scribusthehomicidalmaniac Yepyep! Some of that too, though without counting, I'd guess Call of the Cutie has more plot. :o
@abigpony Heeee~<3 It's a fun episode.
@fallinwinter I hope my body can take it. @.@
Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 20:05:04 UTC from web-
@retl Nope.avi
@purplephish20 If the question involved any kinds of opening to the body? Then I think your answer is correct. Except maybe the mouth. Which she has open for I have no clue what reason