Group actions
!teatime brew cuppa tea, green, or otherwise, the best Brownian Motion producing device ever to have been invented.
Tea Drinkers. (teatime) group
I dropped a chocolate into my !tea. One day we'll meet again.
Monday, 26-Aug-13 10:46:50 UTC from web -
Earl Grey. Hot. !tea
Monday, 12-Aug-13 14:58:39 UTC from Choqok -
This is the first cup of !tea I've had since 6am.
Sunday, 21-Jul-13 20:17:14 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin who are you strange man and why are you looking at my toes
@rotation I saw someone who looked like you today and I nearly tackled them.
@thelastgherkin I should warn you: there are lots of people who look like me.
Drinking some !tea and draw the last picture of the story arc.
Monday, 22-Apr-13 17:19:42 UTC from Choqok -
5 o'clock. Time for some !tea
Wednesday, 10-Apr-13 15:16:40 UTC from Choqok -
The supermarkets next to me don't provide my !tea anymore. What a world!
Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 21:03:56 UTC from Choqok -
Earl Grey, hot. !tea
Monday, 19-Nov-12 17:57:14 UTC from Choqok -
Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:44:32 UTC from web- sasha likes this.
Friday, 09-Nov-12 05:44:55 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin In the cupboard next to the coffee.
Time for !tea
@broniebrown You have no clue how tempted I am to make a reference to Henry Hatsworth.
@minti I've never played this game. I have neither a DS nor it was released in Germany (my research tells me that an import is not very expensive).
@broniebrown xD It's a ... unique game. To say the least. But it's the good kind of unique in my opinion.
Wait, the RP site has their own wiki?
Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 11:37:56 UTC from web-
@toksyuryel Well, that was a fun read. (Then again, as far as I'm concerned most/all of Eevee's stuff is.)
@toksyuryel Now I want to try a project like that myself, thanks. xD
@ceruleanspark @abigpony You guys ddn't know?
@thatonestocking Rad! PS I /might/ have to charge you on the postage on the way back. I'll have to see how much it costs.
Monday, 27-Aug-12 22:43:20 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Wehh. Xmen Origins.
@anarchycarcino First Class is my favourite romcom.
@thelastgherkin I can't feel my legs.
Well im sorry if I offended you! I guess I'll just leave then! We kicked your asses in the Revolutionary War anyway!Enjoy that tea we threw to the bottom of the ocean!
Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 13:44:21 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@comradeconventrix No. I'm just a guy with an attunement towards something, with no formal training in the area. Like the guys who build cars from scratch without knowing anything about mechanics.
@comradeconventrix @nerthos Ok, you guys are just taking potshots at each other now. Drop it.
@redenchilada Of course.
Morning everypony.
Saturday, 23-Jun-12 10:12:37 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 @scribble I don't usually daydream but when I do it is about this now :)
@scribble And then thunderlane, out of bucking nowhere
Sunday, 17-Jun-12 21:08:25 UTC from web
@woona Then change it to my butt?
@woona Use this!
@woona Let's add an "if not better".
@woona @purplephish20 !tea group is best group, eh Gents? *sips like a sir*
Sunday, 17-Jun-12 14:07:59 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 mhmm. Still got my headache, good news is I now also have some good !tea =D
Today on aRgueDN: what's the correct pronunciation of "scone"?
Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 19:33:27 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Yes this is the correct option forsaking all others.
@thelastgherkin Seems close-ish, yeah. I knew it was a baked thing, thought it was less cakey, though. Hooray for learning things! :D
Sunday, 20-May-12 21:52:36 UTC from web
@thelastgherkin I don't monster.
@carcino You should. It's very therapeutic.
@thelastgherkin I know. But I'm too busy Farscaping.
good day all, how are we faring this fine morning/afternoon/evening/night?
Saturday, 19-May-12 21:17:49 UTC from web-
@trister good, good. spent all day in meadowhall/sheffield... so tired
@largist indeed. finest of beverages in my opinion
@purplephish20 ah, awesome. I've been playing taxi for people and getting chilled by coastal winds
This !tea is fricking delicious, yo.
Wednesday, 16-May-12 20:49:15 UTC from web -
I appear to be conducting an experiment in sitting as low in this chair as possible.
Friday, 27-Apr-12 16:17:30 UTC from web-
@rotation Is it hot tea? If so, be careful! Well... be careful anyways... xD
well, time for some !tea and some Dark Souls
Thursday, 26-Apr-12 12:11:26 UTC from web -
wow, swanky new look =D
Monday, 23-Apr-12 19:15:23 UTC from web-
@queenchrysalis indeed. only made better by the addition of !tea
@purplephish20 !tea is superior in almost every way in my opinion
interesting fact; one thing that isn't made better by the addition of !tea is paper as I experienced not too long ago
Monday, 23-Apr-12 19:22:38 UTC from web -
Morning everypony
Thursday, 19-Apr-12 09:54:40 UTC from web-
@scribble the seacide could be improved by ponies. they would spell it correctly and attract tourists
@trister SHOO BE DOO.
Tyler Tyler & Tyler likes this. -
@scribble How did I not consider that....
Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 11:47:22 UTC from web
I now have !tea. Everything is alright in the world now.
Monday, 16-Apr-12 18:10:17 UTC from web -
@thunderboltpony You need to calm down and also stop threatening to kill people.
Saturday, 14-Apr-12 23:46:42 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 !tea is best drink!
@purplephish20 Totally.
@ceruleanspark Indeed. And understood.
!brew is an underused tag.
Thursday, 12-Apr-12 12:40:55 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Not bad, but that kind of lyrics, even if some can find the beautiful, are shameful and dumb to me. To base one's live in being with other, and not being able to do anything in any other condition.
@nerthos Its kind of an injoke.... its not his song... that kind of music if generally mindless and crap... but #johnbarrowman makes everything fabulous
@purplephish20 I really don't see anything interesting on it.
and I am back with !tea
Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 23:30:10 UTC from web-
@bronyalex well then you should certainly rest off that stuffiness before venturing out for a wonderful beverage of some description
@trister Hmm I must think of a beverage to absorb through my mouth, which is a weird way to say it but yes, For science i must
@bronyalex might want to watch it on the absorbing, I believe that is a different process entirely