Group actions
!europonies eu europe
EU - Where Vikings and Nazis come together!
European Ponies (europonies) group
!germanbronies !europonies No talk about the #galacon yet, the #GrandGallopingGala #convention in #Germany?
Sunday, 10-Jun-12 12:23:35 UTC from web -
!europonies Dutch Bronymeet, 12:00 (noon), October 1st, in Utrecht, Hoog Catherijne (trainstation) in the burgerking.
!europonies Dutch Brony Meet - Aug 6 2011, 12:00 (noon)
#notpony The other day My Little Sister said to me: "What if there was a job where you could just goof off all day and still get paid...", to which I quickly replied: "Well, it's called social security". !ponitics Sucks living in a communist-wannabe fascist-state-loving country sometimes. I remember the good ol' viking days... !eu !swedishponies
Sunday, 24-Apr-11 17:21:29 UTC from web -
Just saying that I love this group's motto, !europonies. I feel totally included :3
Tuesday, 12-Apr-11 13:17:12 UTC from web -
I created a group for us !europonies
Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 18:11:39 UTC from web- Dopey Shrove likes this.