Group actions

Bronies of Germany

Bronies of Germany



This is a group for all the bronies who are living in germany. Be welcome!

Bronies of Germany (germanbronies) group


  1. !germanbronies You can pre-order the MLP:FiM Comic No 2

    Thursday, 06-Dec-12 11:11:32 UTC from Choqok
    • !germanbronies I've uploaded the German version of S02E06 (Cutie Pox).

      Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 10:42:10 UTC from Choqok
      • !germanbronies Feel the pain of the German dub!

        Thursday, 08-Nov-12 14:33:38 UTC from Choqok
        • !germanbronies Season 2 beginns on 2 November apparently. Instead of Discord we'll see Chrysalis first.

          Saturday, 13-Oct-12 08:16:16 UTC from Choqok
          • !germanbronies !europonies No talk about the # yet, the # # in #?

            Sunday, 10-Jun-12 12:23:35 UTC from web
            • Für die !germanbronies: Bin auf dem Weg zum Winter-Tee-, äh, -Ade-Tag nach Flankfurt.

              Saturday, 17-Mar-12 08:39:06 UTC from
              • !germanbronies So I might be moving to Germany soon, Munchen specifically and I'd love to talk to/meet some german bronies! :D

                Friday, 17-Feb-12 14:52:57 UTC from web
                • !germanbronies You can get a pony mug for 0€ using this coupon

                  Sunday, 11-Dec-11 15:38:02 UTC from Choqok
                  • I've done a bit of research about the claim that you can make a request for pony time as a member of the German pirate party. It's totally legit! !germanbronies

                    Friday, 30-Sep-11 11:48:50 UTC from Choqok
                    • test repeated this.
                  • !germanbronies !eqaustrians I uploaded episode 4. Prepare for another horrible dub.

                    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 10:52:49 UTC from Choqok
                  • !germanbronies Für alle, die die Shirts der Piratenpartei Berlin noch nicht genau untersucht haben:

                    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 03:02:25 UTC from web
                    • !germanbronies Oh God... Also in their description of Pinkie, Gummy is a plushie. What have we Germans ever done to the world to deserve this?? ... Oh, right...

                      Thursday, 22-Sep-11 02:40:01 UTC from web
                      • !germanbronies Further investigation shows that nick has mixed up Friendship is Magic with My Little Pony Tales. #

                        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 21:57:52 UTC from Choqok
                        • !germanbronies The German broadcaster nick haven't even seen MLP and there are so many errors! Like for example: "The pony land is an enchanted world full of magic and beauty. There live quadrupeds Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity. They take part in the same school class and have a lot of fun,, even when their teacher Miss Hackney annoys them. Or lava deamons, witches and other ghosts make trouble there."

                          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 20:53:53 UTC from Choqok
                        • !germanbronies Well, no big surprises with the German dub. It's mediocre, falls short of the original in choice of voice actors, and some parts were translated rather weirdly (Soup's on everypony = Süppchen für alle ihr Ponys da draussen???). At the end of the day, I guess it's ok for kids, but no big hopes in seeing it create new German bronies here.

                          Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 03:50:55 UTC from web
                          • !germanbronies I uploaded the German dub. (454 MB) There is a bit of commercials at the beginning and at the end.

                            Monday, 19-Sep-11 12:22:48 UTC from Choqok
                            • !germanbronies MLP Convention in Hamburg in one year (September 15th, 2012): It's the first German convention since the launch of MLP:FiM, so it'll be the first time for regular MLP collectors to meet actual bronies because we've officially been invited. Come one, come all, and make the event 20% cooler!

                              Saturday, 17-Sep-11 08:12:19 UTC from
                            • !germanbronies Zauberflügelponies? Wirklich? Ist das Wort "Pegasus" zu intellektuell für kleine Mädchen? Einmal ist das nicht mehr eure einzige Zielgruppe und ausserdem sind auch kleine Mädchen nicht alle Hirnkrank...

                              Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 20:26:06 UTC from web
                            • !germanbronies You can see MLP:FiM on NickJr on September 19th at 10:30 in the morning. >mfw "Zauberflügelponys"

                              Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 08:00:38 UTC from Choqok
                              • And there went the double premiere (and the chance for !germanbronies to meet and watch the # premiere together). The first German episode is going to air on Nickelodeon (free TV at least) on Monday, Septembef 19th, at 10:30 am CEST. Oh well, more time for me to get stuff off my HDD recorder.

                                Friday, 02-Sep-11 04:49:13 UTC from
                              • Double premiere ahead on September 17th: # on The Hub and the # dub for us !germanbronies on Nick!

                                Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 17:06:33 UTC from
                                • !germanbronies In the long run, who's up for meetups? We maybe are a bit few at the moment, but it is never too early to consider the possibility.

                                  Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 10:28:52 UTC from web
                                • !germanbronies Also this:

                                  Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 13:58:51 UTC from web
                                • !germanbronies Lo and behold: If this is our dubbing, then I have no great hopes of it creating a flood of German bronies as soon as it airs here:

                                  Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 13:56:51 UTC from web
                                • Bad news for all !germanbronies from Panini: MLP Magazine issues 02/11 and 03/11 (the first two MLP:FiM issues) are not available anymore. Leftover copies are destroyed. This also means you'd better grab yourself your copy of 04/11 while you still can!

                                  Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 19:21:18 UTC from
                                  • !germanbronies Ok. The press center of nickelodeon was probably on vacation. The one on the German pony blog had an email regarding this and this is his evidence

                                    Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 18:42:31 UTC from Choqok
                                    • !germanbronies I've seen through the press statements of nickelodeon Germany. I haven't seen any evidence for ponies. It's false news :(

                                      Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 18:29:21 UTC from Choqok
                                      • Listen up !germanbronies MLP:FiM is coming! You can see all our beloved little, cutesy ponies on Nickelodeon on September the 17th

                                        Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 18:03:40 UTC from Choqok
                                      • !germanbronies @extrememeasures I hope it's not RTL2.... as long as it's SuperRTL or KiKa I have kind of hopes. afterall it is a show for little girls xD

                                        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 15:52:16 UTC from web
                                        • !germanbronies I wonder which TV station will buy the rights over here and mess it up. Any ideas?

                                          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 15:48:33 UTC from web