Notices tagged with xmpp

  1. Internet Messaging ( # ) over congested networks

    !xmpp !xmpp
    # # # #

    Sunday, 20-Feb-22 04:20:53 UTC from Repeated by rozzin
  2. Internet Messaging ( # ) over congested networks

    !xmpp !xmpp
    # # # #

    Sunday, 20-Feb-22 04:20:53 UTC from
  3. @mangeurdenuage If you have #, I'm lnxw37 @ xmpp dot is.

    Tuesday, 03-Dec-19 23:47:13 UTC from
  4. @mangeurdenuage Sure, I have an !xmpp ID, it's in the profile details.

    Monday, 14-Oct-19 15:49:46 UTC from
  5. > that is sad state of development at GNU social. Developers have other priorities but connectivity
    @louis Just a few months ago I refused to even consider GSoC (being paid) on grounds of knowing nothing about PHP.
    I thought I'm progressing fine. And without being paid %).
    The best I can do right now is stop discussing the database stuff in the !xmpp MUC, so that it won't be visible that there's someone out there who's taking an interest in that.

    Friday, 16-Aug-19 15:01:32 UTC from
  6. @fanta @zagur

    @kim me apunté esto en marcadores porque yo tampoco te veía a ti si no te repetían y a más cuentas del #

    Me pasa de vez en cuando y se arregla con este pequeño script que me pasó @xrevan86

    cd plugins/OStatus/scripts/ && mysql -u myuser -p mydb -ss -e "SELECT uri FROM feedsub UNION SELECT feeduri AS uri FROM ostatus_profile WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT subscribed FROM subscription) ORDER BY uri;" | while read -r uri; do php resub-feed.php "$uri"; php testfeed.php "$uri"; done 

    PD pasaros de vez en cuando por las salas !xmpp de !gnusocial
    y !redeslibres
    que aprendemos mucho. :)

    Saturday, 22-Jun-19 23:52:58 UTC from in context Repeated by fanta
  7. @fanta @zagur

    @kim me apunté esto en marcadores porque yo tampoco te veía a ti si no te repetían y a más cuentas del #

    Me pasa de vez en cuando y se arregla con este pequeño script que me pasó @xrevan86

    cd plugins/OStatus/scripts/ && mysql -u myuser -p mydb -ss -e "SELECT uri FROM feedsub UNION SELECT feeduri AS uri FROM ostatus_profile WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT subscribed FROM subscription) ORDER BY uri;" | while read -r uri; do php resub-feed.php "$uri"; php testfeed.php "$uri"; done 

    PD pasaros de vez en cuando por las salas !xmpp de !gnusocial
    y !redeslibres
    que aprendemos mucho. :)

    Saturday, 22-Jun-19 23:52:58 UTC from in context
  8. @lohang Surprising that they still have users, considering they use a proprietary !xmpp server.

    Wednesday, 24-Apr-19 13:02:50 UTC from
  9. @moonman Actually, XHTML in !xmpp is officially obsolete for security reasons.

    Sunday, 21-Apr-19 00:04:05 UTC from
  10. @moonman I'm just implying that if they don't block HTTPS, then they don't truly block !xmpp either.
    It is possible to connect to XMPP through the 443 port, and it's possible to stream it through HTTPS with WebSockets or BOSH.
    It's possible to block even that, but I somehow doubt they have DPI of this level (or any) ;-).

    Saturday, 30-Mar-19 23:36:59 UTC from
  11. @matrix @jartigag Yes, that is correct. The !xmpp support there is in a pretty sad state though.

    The minimal package for a libpurple # user is the following: (for OMEMO)

    > do you know something visually nicer (like adium) for linux?
    Err, Dino?

    Friday, 28-Dec-18 13:17:42 UTC from
  12. @61 WhatsApp is based on a stripped down ("optimised") version of the XMPP C2S protocol, but it has never been a part of the !xmpp federated network, nor advertised itself as such.
    It's as if Twitter were to implement a highly modified version of the ActivityPub's C2S protocol. Would'n've made a slightest difference.

    Friday, 09-Nov-18 18:56:03 UTC from
  13. @lnxw48a1 It's actually fairly common, I can only think of Pidgin as the one that doesn't have receipts.
    But, as always with Pidgin, there is a plugin for that %).
    Anyone uses Pidgin for !xmpp, please keep in mind that only plugins make it passable. By default its # support freezed somewhere in 2000s.

    Wednesday, 17-Oct-18 19:06:54 UTC from
  14. @prashere !xmpp has. Which has stanzas and MIX ;-).

    Friday, 05-Oct-18 18:37:57 UTC from
  15. @prashere !xmpp has. Which has stanzas and MUCs ;-).

    Friday, 05-Oct-18 18:34:43 UTC from
  16. @alcinnz Even though I did peek at the sources and noticed that before, I still got confused for a moment, thinking you're talking about Prosody the !xmpp Server :-).

    Tuesday, 17-Jul-18 23:07:32 UTC from
  17. @ignitionigel Telegram is not even FOSS.
    Wire is but is not federated. And !xmpp is both.

    Thursday, 12-Jul-18 22:43:56 UTC from
  18. @notclacke The difference is a lot – biboumi doesn't connect IRC rooms to !xmpp MUCs at all, instead it allows you to join IRC rooms as XMPP MUCs being a transport from one to another.
    And it has NickServ integration, persistency ("bouncer") and all that.

    Monday, 09-Jul-18 20:59:55 UTC from
  19. @brainblasted Meanwhile, the !xmpp community just keeps on going, as it has since 1999.

    Thursday, 24-May-18 09:27:52 UTC from Repeated by mmn
  20. @brainblasted Meanwhile, the !xmpp community just keeps on going, as it has since 1999.

    Thursday, 24-May-18 09:27:52 UTC from
  21. @maiyannah Probably OpenPGP (XEP-0373), OTR exchanges keys automatically too and is !xmpp agnostic anyway.

    Thursday, 24-May-18 08:20:47 UTC from in context
  22. Biboumi: an !xmpp to # gateway:

    Friday, 18-May-18 08:29:24 UTC from
  23. Version 0.10.1 of !xmpp server # released!

    Wednesday, 16-May-18 02:07:50 UTC from Repeated by mmn
  24. Version 0.10.1 of !xmpp server # released!

    Wednesday, 16-May-18 02:07:50 UTC from
  25. @rysiek Especially because some other people try to get me from XMPP to these "better" networks (privacy-aware techie people). "Just register with your phone number on a central server, install an Electron client and you're all set."
    It simply doesn't cut it for me, so !xmpp stays as the only good solution.

    Tuesday, 15-May-18 15:47:37 UTC from in context
  26. @bob Conversations is the flagship !xmpp client, no doubt.
    But I wouldn't call the only viable one, Gajim and Psi on desktop are doing a good job.
    There's also ChatSecure on iOS but I don't know how good it is, it is actively developed though.

    Tuesday, 15-May-18 15:05:25 UTC from
  27. @rysiek Wire is more acceptable as it doesn't require a phone number, yes.
    I personally think !xmpp does meet those requirements.

    Tuesday, 15-May-18 13:20:14 UTC from
  28. continuando el hilo de Puedes montarte un Nodo de Chat # , SÍ : ... ^^ y si no sabes como ... ¿ montarte tu propia red de mensajería instantántanea | Chat ? ... Acá van contando como ... : via @jordila @jordila

    Wednesday, 02-May-18 18:33:15 UTC from
  29. and # are federated social network clients using the # standard instead of # or #

    Saturday, 28-Apr-18 03:44:31 UTC from
  30. @vanyok Только где там микроблоггинг через XMPP, я так и не понял. Там есть, разве что, интеграция, но оно и у GNU social есть уже очень давно.
    А вот где действительно через !xmpp микроблог, то это в Movim.

    Tuesday, 24-Apr-18 20:05:25 UTC from