United States
http://sweettrolljegus.tumblr.com♥19/Female/Pegasus♥ Just a silly Iowa brony who loves drawing and talking to others. Also, if anypony wants to play some vidya (probably Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead [2]) you can add me on Steam, my ID is DeadBunneh.
More details...Rainbow Revolver (rainbowrevolver)
@bluetearainbowdash Hey, actually I'm Rainbow REVOLVER! xD
@techdisk42 @widget Hey! Thank you!! :333
Anyone going to AnimeIowa this month? !iowabronies !homestuck !midwestbronies !furrybronies
@renovatedkitchen Awww you're so very welcome. x3 I'm really glad you got home safely.
@renovatedkitchen Well that's good that you didn't have to pay to get it towed :3
FINALLY done with all of my Apex classes!! :3333
Monday, 14-May-12 17:45:19 UTC from web -
@renovatedkitchen You're welcome!
@astaen Yeah :c
@astaen I don't know! :c I try to explain it to them and my little sister thinks I'm this huge embarrassment for liking a "baby show" and my dad just thinks I hang out with a bunch of unfunny gay people. My mom likes the show though. She bought me most of my pony stuff and surprised me with blind bags when she picked me up from school once.
Oh man, I just realized I graduate in FOUR school days! :333333
@astaen My sister and dad hate that I have a bunch pony figurines and stuff. THERE ARE WORSE THINGS I COULD BE DOING THAN PLAYING WITH PONIES.
@renovatedkitchen Good luck! :D
I'm so close to being finished with Apex course! :3
Thursday, 10-May-12 17:15:28 UTC from web -
@noirbatch Eating lunch in the computer lab because I'm a naughty girl. Just gotta be careful not to make a mess. ;3
@hakupony I'm the same way too! xD
@agubi Haha, yup! xD
@agubi And I love how my friend acts all super macho and of all the ponies his favorite is Fluttershy.
@noirbatch It was super fun! :3
@noirbatch At my city's art museum!
@agubi I have a friend who's in the military and very respected...and he loves his ponies. ;3
Well that was a fun job shadow. :3
Uggggggggh... so tired....
Monday, 07-May-12 17:14:44 UTC from web -
@shalabajza Heheh, I kinda took a break from a bunch of sites for awhile. Buuuut, I'm back now. :3
@wafers I love all of my cats. They're always so entertaining, especially this one we rescued over a year ago. He's so silly and just a big ol' derp.
@mushi Awesome! :D
@greydragon412 Heheh, thanks! c:
@flutterfire I love my new kitty x3
Adopted another cat yesterday. :333