Notices tagged with jabber

  1. 20 años de # # . Aparte de que se use en aeronáutica el protocolo para comunicación m2m (machine to machine), este protocolo modular y extensible, sigue vivo y atualizandose. Este presente 2018 17 actualizaciones de extensiones

    Es normal que guasap, facebook, gmail, ... se basasen en xmpp e incluso lo usasen al principio algunos de ellos federando incluso (antes se podía federar con facebook, gmail, ...).

    El server prosody implementa el protocolo bastante bien (prosody escrito en Lua) y reza en su web que se trata de un server xmpp moderno. Por tanto aunque algunas personas usan este protocolo con pidgin y les resulta viejuno para nada lo es. Sigue actualizandose y sigue vivo. Un buen cliente es profanity para ncurses.

    XMPP nos brinda desde hace 20 años el poder tener nuestro propio messenger, nuestro propio, guasap, nuestro propio telegram, ... federando y sin depender de empresas rusas o americanas.

    Saturday, 10-Mar-18 13:48:20 UTC from
  2. My # # service is not working for some reason... :(

    Monday, 03-Apr-17 00:12:48 UTC from
  3. @jotbe !xmpp They have a base in the law to regulate # clients internationally?

    Saturday, 25-Mar-17 13:46:42 UTC from
  4. Jabber/XMPP Servidor de Argentina abierto al publico # #

    Monday, 06-Mar-17 18:38:36 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W
  5. Jabber desde un servidor serios. # #

    Monday, 27-Feb-17 02:22:10 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W
  6. Jabber desde un servidor serios. # #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-17 18:27:25 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W
  7. Jitsi problem: Voice call is stuttering

    Does anyone have an idea why the Jitsi Jabber client is stuttering at voice calls? Network bandwith shouldn't be a problem, CPU load is less than 100% but every attempt to phone someone via Jitsi fails because I can't understand the person I want to talk to.

    Jitsi is a Java program, can that be a problem on a GNU/Linux system with OpenJDK?

    If its Jitsi itself does anyone know an alternative Jabber client that is as easy to use as Jitsi? Easy to use means: Register Jabber address, log in, click on voice call and talk, without filling out settings or installing plugins.

    #Question #Help #Jitsi #Jabber #XMPP #Client #Voicecall

    Wednesday, 30-Mar-16 17:00:29 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  8. Jitsi problem: Voice call is stuttering

    Does anyone have an idea why the Jitsi Jabber client is stuttering at voice calls? Network bandwith shouldn't be a problem, CPU load is less than 100% but every attempt to phone someone via Jitsi fails because I can't understand the person I want to talk to.

    Jitsi is a Java program, can that be a problem on a GNU/Linux system with OpenJDK?

    If its Jitsi itself does anyone know an alternative Jabber client that is as easy to use as Jitsi? Easy to use means: Register Jabber address, log in, click on voice call and talk, without filling out settings or installing plugins.

    #Question #Help #Jitsi #Jabber #XMPP #Client #Voicecall

    Wednesday, 30-Mar-16 17:00:29 UTC from
  9. @arele oh, qué maravilla, publicando desde Pidgin :D todavía no me he puesto a investigar eso, ¿sabes si realmente se puede contestar publicaciones de !gnusocial a través de Pidgin o simplemente era un experimento tuyo? sé que desde varios clientes de # es posible publicar, pero no sé si se puede responder.

    Friday, 18-Mar-16 15:45:49 UTC from
  10. La locura de los teléfonos actuales es algo que me sorprende y sobrepasa, el juguete e imagino que el valor de tener un modelo más potente es suficiente para justificar los cambios mas necesarios. Versión, procesador, memoria, instalación, expansión y todo lo demás. La tremenda coartada es que #, #, #, # y # esas cosas no le hace ninguna sombra, mas al contrario.

    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 19:59:55 UTC from
  11. Strange uptick in # / # activity i've seen interviewing # have empty eyes when he builds it or

    Tuesday, 16-Feb-16 13:48:49 UTC from at 40°10'20"N 119°56'49"W in context Repeated by internetturtle
  12. Strange uptick in # / # activity i've seen interviewing # have empty eyes when he builds it or

    Tuesday, 16-Feb-16 13:48:49 UTC from at 40°10'20"N 119°56'49"W in context
  13. Strange uptick in !XMPP / # activity I've seen recently. Enough to give me hope that silo-less chat has a future :)

    Friday, 15-Jan-16 16:08:57 UTC from at 40°26'26"N 79°59'45"W
  14. Ich denke, funktioniert endlich, wie ich will ... # !xmpp

    Saturday, 28-Nov-15 09:18:28 UTC from
  15. Lista de 30 servidores jabber públicos por @elbinario

    !xmpp #

    Monday, 19-Oct-15 22:19:35 UTC from
  16. ¡Nueva entrada #!:

    Xabber: qué es y cómo usarlo

    # # !xmpp  !android 

    Wednesday, 14-Oct-15 17:55:37 UTC from
  17. ¡Nueva publicación en mi blog!

    Conversations: qué es y cómo usarlo

    # !xmpp # !android 

    Saturday, 03-Oct-15 19:14:23 UTC from Repeated by mama21mama
  18. ¡Nueva publicación en mi blog!

    Conversations: qué es y cómo usarlo

    # !xmpp # !android 

    Saturday, 03-Oct-15 19:14:23 UTC from
  19. Tell me more about #! I want to post messages from my # How i can do it?

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 13:51:39 UTC from in context Repeated by mcscx
  20. Tell me more about #! I want to post messages from my # How i can do it?

    Tuesday, 22-Sep-15 13:51:39 UTC from in context
  21. Buena charla sobre # en la sala, cuando salga el historial, os lo paso por si queréis echarle un ojo ;) # # !vivalafederation !xmpp

    Sunday, 12-Jul-15 22:22:03 UTC from
  22. ¡Venga! que empezamos la charla sobre # / !xmpp en dispositivos móviles (especialmente en !android ) en la sala :D

    Sunday, 12-Jul-15 20:00:32 UTC from
  23. ¿Cómo crear una cuenta en Jabber/XMPP por medio de Gajim?
    !xmpp # # #

    Saturday, 20-Jun-15 21:10:33 UTC from
  24. Ya somos tres usuarios en la sala de chat xmpp @juansantiago

    Esperemos que se sumen los camaradas para hace offtopic y hablar sobre la bonita red social GNUsocial.

    Están invitados.

    sala: gnusocial server: conference. mamalibre.


    # # # #

    Thursday, 26-Feb-15 20:28:10 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W
  25. Actualizando # :D !xmpp # #

    Wednesday, 25-Feb-15 13:48:03 UTC from
  26. # (The Kickass Social Network) - !xmpp # # !Android

    Thursday, 19-Feb-15 01:55:32 UTC from
  27. Crea tu sala jabber en menos de 5 minutos.

    Via navegador web. .ar/xmpp/chat/?r=micanal2@conference.

    reemplace micanal2 por el nombre de su canal.

    # # # #

    Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 18:08:18 UTC from at 34°51'59"S 61°31'48"W in context
  28. English MUC for #:
    # # !heavymetal # # # !XMPP

    Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 16:01:34 UTC from
  29. Salas de # / # públicas:
    !veganos !heavymetal !XMPP # # # # # #

    Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 16:00:52 UTC from
  30. # # # # hoy 20hs primer programa Respeto e Igualdad  e

    Wednesday, 04-Feb-15 17:43:19 UTC from Repeated by almadelibertade