Ponyville, Equestria
My name is Dinky Hooves!
I like drawing, going to school, my great teacher Miss Cheerilee and my bestest mom Derpy Hooves!
Dinky Hooves (dinkyhooves)
Gotta get going everypony, if anyone sees @derpyhooves tell her I'm bakin' her some muffins for when she gets home! :D
@rainclop @shimmermint it's a secrrreeettt!
@shimmermint I haven't seen my mom all day! She is always so busy delivering letters and things. Miss Cheerilee is going to take us on a field trip this friday and I'm so excited! :D
@doctorwhooves darn it, she is always on her mail routes an' I keep missing her! :( I'm baking her some of her favorite muffins for the next time I see her :)
@sugar did you hear? @cheerillie is going to take us ona field trip on Friday!
@cheerillie if you see my mom @derpyhooves tell her i'm gonna bake her favourite muffins!
@cheerillie bye bye Miss Cheerilee!
@sugar Hi Sugar! Did you and @sweetiebelle99 find your special talents yet? :)
@cheerilee oh that.... that's ummm... when Princess Celestia sealed away Princess Luna cause she burnt all of her pastry in the sun
@fluttershy321 oh! oh! Thanks ill write it down :)
Hi @sweetiebelle99 ! Did you find Princess Celestia's nephew for @raritybeauty? Did they hook up?
Thursday, 12-May-11 20:33:19 UTC from web -
@shimmermint Hi there Shimmermint! How are you? :)
@cheerillie yay! *hugs*
@fluttershy321 you need ummm.. flour and... sugar and umm... I forgot the rest >:(
@cheerillie wow thanks Miss Cheerliee! You're the best teacher of all! :)
@derpyhooves my mom looks really sad from what she last wrote, I hope I can make her feel better. I know, i'll get Pinkie to help me make her some special muffins! :D
Thursday, 12-May-11 20:18:43 UTC from web -
@cheerillie Yeah! I really want to go! It's just that... umm... my mom hasn't signed my slip yet, she is busy on something called "space hall deliver" I think
@cheerillie Hey Miss Cheerilee! :D
@sugar Wow you saw my mom? Where is she?
@sugar Did you and @sweetiebelle99 get your cutie marks yet?
@sugar Hi Sugar!!!! ^^
@rawkz0rz Hey mister! Why are you so sad?
@chipthe3rd Yeah maybe, she's always busy taking parcels to Canterlot and stuff ^^
Hi hi #everypony! I wonder where my mom @derpyhooves has gotten to? :(
@sugar Yeah you bet! Maybe we can go to the Everfree Forest! I think @applebloom and @sweetiebelle99 have been there..... better get going @rainbowdash is the BEST!
@sugar aww I can't, I gotta go home and do my homework or my mom @derpyhooves will get mad :( Maybe we'll get our cutie marks now! :D
@sugar @rainbowdash That was it! That was it! I was like "AHHHHH"! but then I was like "OOOOOH!" and now i'm like "RAINBOW DASH IS THE COOLEST PONY EVER!"
@rainbowdash @sugar She's gonna do it! She's gonna do it!
@sugar Yeah a sonic rainboom I cant wait!