Are You Crazy!? (oatmeal) group
#informed #speculation Twilight (botches a spell and) ascends Scootaloo to alicorn status by accident. It's non-reversible. Scootlestia establishes the country of Red Racer and with the makeup tutelage under Twilight becomes Alicorn #3. Or err. #4. Shoot. How many of those do we have now? !oat
Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:28:51 UTC from web- RedEnchilada (notice the lack of a space) repeated this.
@retl Are we counting the horrid random OCs here? Because that'd add a few zeroes to the count.
@redenchilada s/random/fandom/
@redenchilada Uhhh, sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong? Lacunae does not count, though. I'm pretty sure there's a rule somewhere on the net about lingerie legitimizing OCs instantly.
Applecora OTP. !Oatmeal I like to believe Pinkie was retelling the story of why the Pie family doesn't talk much of their relative Oatmeal Cream Pie... #PossiblyNotSafeForCMC #NotTotallyIntentional
Thursday, 27-Oct-11 17:32:10 UTC from web -
@stockingsparkle What does "hardcore" even mean? Playing one game for long periods of time? Playing lots of different games? Playing only first person shooters and "mature" themed things?
Thursday, 09-Jun-11 23:11:34 UTC from web-
@carcinopony I don't even understand what that is a graphical representation of, actually.
@retl I don't know but I don't want it to happen to me.
#Questionable #NSFW Oh gosh I love this comic way more than I should. I laughed. #Celestia #Molestia !oatmeal
Thursday, 26-May-11 23:40:05 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 24-May-11 23:10:52 UTC from web
- Eric repeated this.
@abigpony Indeed you should
@retl Speaking of !plot , did you see @bigponymac's new picture?
Drew a Cutie mark on a unicorn then absentmindedly erased it, forgetting what it was.
@retl do you have it for breakfast too?
@carcinopony Sometimes! Other times I wake up with unexpected !plot around. But usually, I have !oatmeal.
@retl oatmeal...... ARE YOU CRAZY?!
Good morning! #NSFW My thoughts seconds after waking up were this in order: A> Princess Celest[plot]. B> "Plow the !plot." C> Twilight taste-testing the teacher. D> WHAT THE WHAT I DON'T HAVE A PRINCESS FETISH WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN I ALSO DON'T HAVE A THING FOR GODDESS PEGA-CORNS OR AT LEAST I DIDN'T IN THE PAST AAAA. OR MARES IN GENERAL. I THINK. I HOPE. AAAAAAAAA THAT'S EVEN WORSE E> Apparently, joining the League of Unicorns gradually converts one's soul into a unicorn as well. That should have been in big red letters somewhere on the page when I signed up. I have finally BECOME !Oatmeal ...
Saturday, 21-May-11 12:36:27 UTC from web -
For some reason I'm always confused when I see roleplaying ponies' names on here.
Friday, 20-May-11 18:05:01 UTC from web-
@scribus I am sorry for not being In the loop. I'm gunna go see pirates!
@carcinopony Enjoy!
@scribus oh but I will. It's lunch time first. Which seat should I take?
Friday, 20-May-11 03:33:03 UTC from web -
@retl meal? :D
@sweetiebelle99 Yay! You got it! Hiya! :3
@retl Hola! ^_^
Thursday, 12-May-11 01:36:23 UTC from web
@retl *suspicious Sweetie Belle is suspicious*
@sweetiebelle99 Simply put, the entire universe went up a level, and we thought when it went up a level that you had disappeared, making it as if it had went down two levels instead of up one. But you're here, so the universe went up a level! The universe learned thunderbolt!
@retl Oh. :X
#new !notice !oat Polka is Magic -
Saturday, 30-Apr-11 21:19:33 UTC from web -
Celestia continued brushing the cloth firmly against the side of the golden necklace, inducing a blinding glean from the surface. A shine that reminded her every bit of the world-illuminating ball of light she worked to rise every day. A ball so bright. She only wished her glimmering mane could be as bright. Before she knew it, Celestia found herself short of breath, her heartbeat a flutter. What was this feeling? All she knew is that she could not stop polishing the necklace. It must shine. It must shine as bright as the noontime sun. Her horn glowed brightly as magic welled about. She gasped for air. Why was she panting? And for how long? Celestia felt wonderful, but she knew the trinket could shine brighter. She would make it so! Nothing would stop her from making her necklace sparkle like the Sun. !oatmeal
Saturday, 30-Apr-11 16:18:35 UTC from web-
@celestia At first I LOLd. And then I realized that sounds like fun. I'd LIKE TO WATCH. 8D
"There are no RPers on currently with exploding bombloons or rapidly expanding shields... I'll take their place withis pump 'n those abandoned clouds. Especially the ones that rumble and thunder. Clearly, the pegasi don't need 'em. " Shortly after, overfilled clouds hovered about low to the ground, looking like steam in taut plastic bubbles. A dragon keeps taking more and more from the sky, filling them with the air-pump, and leaving them around RDN as a surprise for everyone to behold. #Distracted from #College #Essay by the daily !oatmeal
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 18:13:18 UTC from web -
!owls !oat !c Official spelling for Twilight's owl: "Owlowiscious." |
Tuesday, 26-Apr-11 04:41:10 UTC from web -
!oatmeal Philomena EXPLODED. Bits flew everywhere, tiny and fluttery bits of down drifting too and fro, scattering and scrambling, and then the come to rest on the ground before burning to ash. Newly refreshed, she settled on the bright pony's back and screeched the most piercing, most vivid screech she had had in years. Fluttershy squeaked with mixed delight and surprise, "Yay," and started on her way back to meet Sunny at Sugarcube Corner. #wat #stalling
Monday, 25-Apr-11 21:58:05 UTC from web-
@retl ((insert many lolz here))
@libbylishly: Yay, it wasn't a total waste of rambling! XD
@retl Not at all. Hilariously random. XD Perfect thing to distract me from STUDYING...
I love !balloons! I'm actually a clown (no, really. As in circus clown, though it's been a while since i've been in the circus) but i can't tie balloon animals to save my life. They always pop. :(
Monday, 25-Apr-11 21:12:56 UTC from web-
@libbylishly Maybe. XD But if you succeed, you might be the first to have done it specifically geared towards this particular generation of pony. x3
@retl Hmm! Very true! I can see exactly what it would look like in my head, too; its just that i don't know if i could twist the balloons right... well, time to up my stock and get a new project going! I'll let you know if i'm successful. :)
@libbylishly Alrighty. :3 Good luck!
Pinkie Pie in Brawl? Every special is party. Every normal is party. Grab-hit is Cupcakes.Grab-release is singing. Grab-throw is Party.
Monday, 25-Apr-11 17:41:31 UTC from web -
Monday, 25-Apr-11 16:41:45 UTC from web
@retl lmao <3
Edgeworth? EDGEWORTH? OH GEEZ HAS THE RP TURNED INTO TURNABOUT PONI? I guess I'll take this opportunity to go explode somepony with this airpump, Dig-Dug style. Except without the whole being underground or giant boulders thing. And yes. Somepony. Not somedragon. Not somerabbit. Not someone. Somepony. !oatmeal
Monday, 25-Apr-11 02:42:05 UTC from web -
Okay, I've finished up what I already had on the Pony Flavor List. Let me know if there's anything that's a little too over-the-top or just wrong. Or if there's a pony/dragon/creature/character you want me to add to the list. #NotSafeForEdibleFillies #NotSafeForSweetieBelle !oatmeal
Friday, 22-Apr-11 19:06:34 UTC from web-
@takisawesome Oh so very deliciously on the edge of sanity. <3
I mislinked last time. Oops. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Pony Flavor List; !noms !oatmeal
Friday, 22-Apr-11 17:27:29 UTC from web -
I suppose that last Dash really should have gone into the oatmeal. I keep forgetting to !oatmeal when I'm being goofy.
Thursday, 21-Apr-11 18:31:49 UTC from web -
#ooc Can anypony name me the elements of a good cheer?
Tuesday, 19-Apr-11 23:14:17 UTC from web-
@epictwo It's okay. I forgive you.
@celestia Don't worry, I'll find a way to change you back to normal....
... Sweetie Belle would probably go well in !Oatmeal. #NotSafeForEdibleFillies. #Again
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 11:51:00 UTC from web-
@retl Ha ha ha. I was actually considering RPing her, just because I think it would be hilarious watching what you guys say.
@thelastgherkin This suddenly reminds me of the theme I've been seeing of Bon-.
@thelastgherkin Der. *Bon-Bon trying to fatten up Lyra. Also, I made an icon I might use someday, but probably won't. X3
!Oatmeal Guess what I'm having for breakfast? :3
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 11:50:00 UTC from web- Derek McElroy repeated this.