Dead Account (deletethisaccountplease)

  1. !equestriagaming Game: Luna Game 0 Demo - The Demo for the next Luna Game has been released!

    Saturday, 16-Jul-11 05:06:34 UTC from web
  2. !equestriagaming News: Brony Day Terraria Giveaway - A bunch of different websites are getting together for contests, here is mine!

    Friday, 15-Jul-11 16:48:03 UTC from web
  3. @litchi I have work ;_;

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 17:50:03 UTC from web in context
  4. !equestriagaming News: Luna Game Interview - The creator of the Luna Game answered an interview! A lot of questions have been answered

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 17:25:34 UTC from web
  5. @floofyhoof heh, thanks! It's my pony, drawn by a good friend of mine o3o

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 16:35:57 UTC from web in context
  6. @litchi Uh, wha?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 16:04:43 UTC from web in context
  7. @litchi yes, please do.

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 14:45:31 UTC from web in context
  8. !equestriagaming News: Minecraftathon 24hr stream - Not really too Pony related, but worth checking out anyway!

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 01:26:44 UTC from web
  9. @delc17 already sent the info for seth, waiting on my account to be confirmed for otakon website

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 18:40:47 UTC from web in context
  10. !equestriagaming [News] Otakon Brony Meetup! - I'm organizing the !otakon Brony Meetup, details found in the post!

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 17:58:21 UTC from web in context
  11. Alright !otakon ponies, I'll make a post on Equestria Gaming later today about the meetup. I've got this planned out.

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 15:03:23 UTC from web
  12. !equestriagaming Game: Story of the Blanks - The creepy 8-bit style pony game that went viral won the creepypasta gaming contest!

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 14:37:49 UTC from web
  13. Alright, I'm in need of contacting the leader of this site. Not Purple Tinker, the other one (I think there's another one, right?).

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 06:28:56 UTC from web in context
  14. @delc17 oh sweet o3o

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:47:10 UTC from web in context
  15. @delc17 And no, I'm going to this one, in July.

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:29:57 UTC from web in context
  16. @delc17 I don't think I got it, I lost a bunch of emails recently.

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:29:40 UTC from web in context
  17. @delc17 Yes, I'll be releasing more info on that when the Otakon schedule comes out. So I can pick a place and time.

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:27:12 UTC from web in context
  18. @abigpony No clue, all I have is their email, which they asked never to be released.

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:26:52 UTC from web in context
  19. !equestriagaming Game: Luna Game 4 (Creepypasta) - The Fourth Luna game is out! Go play it, NOW!

    Sunday, 10-Jul-11 04:16:17 UTC from web in context
  20. !equestriagaming News: Video Game Crossover Story Contest Winner - The winner has been decided!

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 00:43:16 UTC from web
  21. @rotation this one?

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 03:27:52 UTC from web in context
  22. !equestriagaming Game: Iron Pony Challenge - A game featuring several different mini-games, a large work in progress worth watching

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 03:14:27 UTC from web
  23. !equestriagaming Game: Anquestria - A pony RPG in development, and recruiting a lot of people.

    Saturday, 02-Jul-11 20:13:31 UTC from web in context
  24. !equestriagaming News: Equestria Gaming Art Contest - Draw a picture with ponis, video games, and Equestria Gaming to win a $10 game!

    Saturday, 02-Jul-11 02:12:32 UTC from web
  25. !equestriagaming News: Team Fortress 2 Ponyville Map - A Team Fortress 2 Ponyville map is currently in development! Check it out

    Saturday, 02-Jul-11 01:24:28 UTC from web
  26. @starlightbolt I am! I just have been so busy with other things. I'll give more info and announce it again at the beginning of next month!

    Sunday, 26-Jun-11 20:32:08 UTC from web in context
  27. @starlightbolt Oh snap! That's coming up soon! I totally forgot about thaaaaat :P

    Sunday, 26-Jun-11 20:25:14 UTC from web in context
  28. !EquestriaGaming News: Equestria Gaming recruitment - I'll be recruiting for the website in the near future! Check more info

    Sunday, 26-Jun-11 20:02:16 UTC from web in context
  29. !equestriagaming News: 100,000 views! Wow, 100k Views! A lot of things are planned for the future, so check out the post~

    Saturday, 18-Jun-11 04:02:34 UTC from web
  30. !equestriagaming News: Holiday in Ponyville - A new game is being worked on, and they are looking for people to help!

    Thursday, 16-Jun-11 15:44:41 UTC from web