Everfree Forest
I'm new to the web, so I'm not sure what to do; but I always enjoy trying something new.
More details...zecora (zecora)
Night, a time not built for sight. The photographer's and the painter's blight. Though others may shun this time of little light; for poets such as I, it is just right.
@starshine I know I've been away for quite some time, but I thought this twitter feed could use some rhyme ^^
@starlightbolt @haganbmj First you sing a cruel song, and now you get my gender wrong???
@administrator #ooc While I, for one, like the idea of a new board for !rp, I'd like to know what that would mean for posters such as me. While I am not among those who !rp every day, I feel my posts often walk the line between chatter and roleplay.
@zarkanorf Oh dear lord, just look at me! My names been changed to Eric B!!
@chipthe3rd #ooc I actually made myself a zebra oc. I'll still rhyme, but with some more flexibility. (Don't worry, my time as Zecora is not done. Posting under this name is just too darn fun xD )
#ooc Though i never intended to post an exceptional amount, I fear i have been neglecting this account.
I think what @fluttershy suggests here is best. I do not want blood on the hooves of our princess.
@chipthe3rd Have you any idea what it is you are doing??? Why must you start such trouble brewing?!?
@leafjump Good afternoon, my dear! Is it me, or are you somewhat new around here?
I know I've not been around much as of late, but being here to talk with you all again feels great.
Sunday, 17-Apr-11 17:50:32 UTC from web -
I'd like to thank Luna for this beautiful night. The breeze is refreshing; the temperature is just right.
@loak Well, best of luck to you, then! Be sure to let us know how it went.
@rawkz0rz Well thank you for offering so many to me, but I do not think I am THAT hungry. I think just taking one would be best. Feel free to help yourself to the rest. ^^
@rawkz0rz I see you're nomming quite hungrily, but could you perchance spare a muffin for me?
@dubstep Well recently theres been some drama around. Thankfully it seems to be dying down.
@rainbowdashismycopilot #ooc To be completely honest I have 2 accounts too. After a while, constant rhyming gets quite hard to do.
First Luna and darkcore, now frostbite and Chip? I'm shocked to see so many budding relationships!
Thursday, 14-Apr-11 20:14:52 UTC from web -
@administrator #ooc While I'm sorry to hear that you're so annoyed, I, too, would rather use android.
@critialcloudkicker Well, at the very least, I'm glad to see that there are fans of poetry here other than me.
@flutterguy93 Well, while news does get around, I miss some of the smaller things since I don't live in town.
@moonprincess #ooc The negative rep of the tune is quite strong, but to be honest, I've not once heard the song xD
@strawberryspice #ooc A 3D pony MMO would be quite a feat. I can not wait for it to be complete!
On days like this I can't help but smile, because I get to talk with you all for a while.
Well, I only stopped by to give some things time to stew. For now, I bid #everypony adieu.
Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 23:59:26 UTC from web -
@darkcore Slightly tired, I'm afraid. What antics are you up to today?